Shadowlands Raid Bosses Tier List

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Hey guys! With Dragonflight coming up I thought this would be the perfect time to go over every boss from Shadowlands, all the way from Castle Nathria to Sepulcher of the First Ones, creating a Shadowlands Raid Bosses Tier List. Hope you enjoy!

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Introduction & Rules: 0:00​​
Eye of the Jailer: 1:41
Artificer Xy’mox (Castle Nathria): 4:25
Artificer Xy’mox (Sepulcher): 5:36
Dausegne: 6:46
Anduin: 8:30
Fatescribe Roh-Kalo: 12:40
Guardian of The First Ones: 14:38
Halondrus: 17:45
Shriekwing: 18:24
Hungering Destroyer: 18:57
Huntsman Altimor: 20:20
The Jailer: 22:08
Kel’Thuzad: 24:16
Sire Denathrius: 26:03
Lady Inerva Darkvein: 27:40
Lihuvim: 28:59
Lords of Dread: 31:17
Painsmith Raznal: 34:07
Prototype Pantheon: 35:03
Remnant of Ner’zhul: 35:34
Rygelon: 38:31
Skolex: 41:05
Sludgefist: 42:19
Soulrender Dormazain: 43:41
Stone Legion Generals: 45:24
Sun King’s Salvation: 48:36
Sylvanas: 49:15
Tarragrue: 50:35
Council of Blood: 52:48
The Nine: 53:44
Vigilant Guardian: 54:51
Revising The List: 55:38
Castle Nathria: 57:18
Sanctum of Domination: 57:46
Sepulcher of The First Ones: 58:25

#maximum​​ #liquidmaximum


26 thoughts on “Shadowlands Raid Bosses Tier List”

  1. Jailer at C is cap. That boss has some annoying mechanics, but overall great difficulty, really fair fight, idk it felt really good to me. Maybe not S but solid A tier

  2. On Soul Render the way we killed him. One of our Tanks swapped from his Brewmaster to his DK for Slappy Hands to stack the adds I was playing Warlock and on this fight I went Affliction Sew the Seed spam Decaying Soul Sachel build I had all my other dps hard focus boss all fight and not worry about adds other then passive Cleave.

    I held CDs for the add spawns put Agony on the adds got PI and nuked the adds super fast basically by myself with machine gun seed spam almost all my DPS was add seed it was great had alot if fun on that boss.

  3. I agree with everything except with two things.

    First Fatescribe in C, absolutely hated this fight on progression and it got a lot worse during farm before it got better. Most of the mechanics including the mythic mechanic were pretty boring and uninspired. The rings had potential but by simply being able to just always go one way they lost all of it and the damage stops were atrocious. The fight has no redeeming qualities from a mechanics standpoint. Also just going to throw in that on lower difficulties it's an awful boss to pug. For me that is definitely a D tier boss.

    Vigilant guardian on the other side while definitely a D tier boss in lfr/normal/heroic is fine in mythic. With the boss spawning instantly always having something to hit salvages the fight for me. And while I wouldn't call it a banger it's a somewhat fun add fiesta for me. It's at the least in the same category as shriekwing I'd say I even enjoyed it more than shriekwing.

  4. very wrong about sylvanis fight – absolute dogshit as well – the fact it forces you to be in there as long as possible as opposed to transitioning on your own time of on the group merit

  5. Don't recall ever enjoying a final boss of a raid tier more than Denathrius
    It was such an awesome fight, and it was awesome to "re-live" it through the Fated raids
    Castle Nathria was incredible, personally disliked Sepulcher overall, with a few exceptions (Rygelon, Halondrus, I thought Skolex was okay too..)

  6. No way huntsman was better than mother. Mother was a banger 2nd boss. Best raid this xpac was sanctum. Castle 2nd, sepulcher 3rd. However, sepulcher did have the best boss in halondrus

  7. Idk what the hell are you talking about, Guardian was a really fun fight. We had the best tank mechanic in the entire expansion, that we could approach in so many different ways. It was up to our team composition how many Purging Protocols our healers could take. Sure the batteries could have been more interesting but it was still a good fight, with an awesome soundtrack.

  8. Sylvanas had some okay mechanics but that fight draaagggged. I and pretty much everyone I've talked to hated how long that fight got. P1 intermission, why the fuck did they have so many Rives? It legit got boring but could get people 1 shot.

    That and P2's swiss cheese bridges sucked. Sure, most folks ran across them just fine but we all know "Those" players who would slip through the holes 1 in 5 times thus bricking a few attempts each night. I'm sure the top 10 guilds never saw that issue but say as a CE raider, holy crap just too many attempts sputtered due to 1-2 falling off the edge.


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