Shadowlands: Ranged DPS Best COVENANTS + LEGENDARIES

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Here’s the list of the currently stronger combinations of Legendaries+Covenants for each Ranged DPS for PvE situations, both Single Target or AOE, Raids or Mythic+, as well as which of the Legendaries could push you towards a certain Covenant because of their synergies.

0:00 Intro & Soulbind Nerfs
1:58 MM & BM Hunter
4:08 Balance Druid
6:18 Frost Mage
7:40 Fire Mage
9:17 Arcane Mage
11:57 Shadow Priest
13:34 Elemental Shaman
16:00 Warlock Covenants
19:19 Affli&Destro Legendaries
20:48 Outro


20 thoughts on “Shadowlands: Ranged DPS Best COVENANTS + LEGENDARIES”

  1. And with this we're done with all specs!
    Remember that as we get closer to release and specs are finalized, simulations and data will become more and more available and there will be plenty of flip-flopping around "the best" to pick.
    We will revisit all these specs as Mythic Raid and M+ Season is about to open to see how much changed!

  2. Destruction does have synergy with Scouring Tithe, you can havoc it to have 2 active at a time, used cleverly this can result in 10 free shards which is obviously huge for a rain of chaos dump.

  3. I don´t really like kyrian theme for my hunter, I was hoping for Maldraxxus. But since I am in a mythic progression guild, I have to take BiS….At that point I wish, Covenants would just be cosmetic, so at least we have freedom what to choose.
    p.s. at that point I am tempted to don´t give a fuck about abilities and just pick flavor and be gutted dps-wise…

  4. Thank you for this video! What castbar addon were you using in your arcane spec? It's very clean and nice looking. A bit different from some of the other specs.


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