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Overview of the Fury Warrior spec and class changes on the Shadowlands beta for World of Warcraft!
0:00 Introduction
0:25 Rotation recap
5:15 New abilities + baseline changes
14:45 Talent changes
24:07 Conduits
30:58 General Warrior Legendaries
33:55 Fury Warrior Legendaries
36:30 Kyrian covenant abilities
38:23 Venthyr covenant abilities
40:58 Necrolord covenant abilities
43:48 Night Fae covenant abilities
47:15 Spec review
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#nubkeks #shadowlands #wow #beta
When I originally read the Reckless Abandon rework, I initially thought it was everytime we Enraged that would happen. Now I was like, damn that's op with the amount of damage buff you get. I realized later I was wrong. It would be really awesome if it worked with every enrage, but the damage buff was more tuned for that instead, maybe make it 20% more damage on both and generate extra rage. This would increase the uptime on enrage. Idk my thoughts.
Ppl like Fury because it have self healing. Personaly? I feel fury boring….
Guys what professions for a FURY warrior u recommend?
Hey, what armour set is that? I've been thinking about it for weeks and I still cant figure it out, is it a questing set from the Kyrian Covenant or what?
I dont like ignore pain. Basicly warriors will need to be in deff stance and spam ignore pain to not die. And soon as you dont spam them u get swapped on and insta killed.
I'd love for you to say "Cool Whip" in Stewie's voice
i don't like the spamy gameplay at 80%, Didn't you main a Havoc Demon hunter? 😀
Do you feel that Fury warrior is pretty viable in Shadowlands? I also saw your Enhancement Shaman bit…. I had been told that the spec is taking a pretty hard hit, but that was the route I was planning on going as my main. 🙁
Anyone else spend time just looking at the shimmering off his armor and the way that shadows look?
For the signet legendary, if anyone of any intelligence uses it, they will make a macro for Avatar to spam cancel bladestorm Aura. But it is a 50/50 to get a good proc xD
8:09 in the spellbook you have Shield block and Shield slam, both requires a shield?? bug or anything I miss here..?
Reckless defense looked good but is shit(currently), its unknown how it works or if its working as intended, you will get only 1 proc of it if you are lucky despise getting lots rampage crits, so it either have a really high ICD or needs a specific condition to proc aside from a rampage crit( like a full crit rampage doing 4 crits or something), bottom line right now is garbage, cadence of fujieda and deathmaker are the only good ones right now
Fury has always been my main (back when i even had on i just grind alts now ) but im gonna try something new this xpac
Hey I remember you! You were the guy doing the heroes of the storm videos! Much love fam, subbed
Dude I’m so excited for ventheyr condemned with massacre talent and sudden death talent is gonna be gooooood!
Or just grab the cookie cutter build with frenzy, blood thirst, and cruelty. A lot of haste and fast attacks. Gonna be extra satisfying.
The only thing I don't like about Fury is the clunky AOE rotation, it's still unchanged from BFA unfortunately. I wish whirlwind gave you 3 stacks instead of 2 for example, would feel a lot better. Generally I find it way more fun than Arms still.
@nubkeks just want to let you know i love all your class overviews ive watched all of em! I like how you explain things really clearly. Keep it up!!
fury is atm VERY bad. no dmg at all. u heal the boss
i was thinking you could always make a macro to cancel bladestorm for signet of tormented kings? haha
So is fury good for SL?
What addons are you using and which weakauras
Hey bro, can you please paste your WA as they seem really nice and clean
Really like your UI setup – what mods/plugins are you using? Really dig the fury in the middle and the buffs/debuffs there.
It’s insane that you’re possibly the only MMO (the entire genre) channel that starts with rotation. I can’t explain how much I love this! It’s such a brilliant way to get the basics out of the way and make the rest of the video so tangible. Cheers!