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0:00 Intro
0:42 Talents and Honor Talents
2:38 Stat Priority
3:04 Covenant and Soulbinds / Where to get them
5:12 Rotation
6:36 Burst
8:08 Macros
11:20 Legendaries
12:57 Clip
The clip is an example of what I found to be the best way to play monk, doing burst goes and running between them and thought it would make for a good demonstration for the video despite me being necrolord at the time.
#showtooltip disable
/use [@target,exists]disable
/cancelaura Fists of fury
/cast Rising Sun Kick
This macro turns your Diffuse magic / dampen harm spells into 1 keybind
/cast [talent:5/2] diffuse magic; [talent:5/3] dampen harm
/cast [@arenapet1] Provoke
/cast [@arenapet2] Provoke
/cast [@arenapet3] Provoke
#showtooltip storm, earth, and fire
/cancelaura Storm, earth, and fire
#showtooltip Ring of Peace
/cast [@cursor] Ring of Peace
Friend in the clip:
my twitch:
hey guys pertis here
Great! Thanks
I should be number 4 on the ladder
Tips n tricks vid inc, nice 🙂
soo legendary …
Part 2 on specific tips and matchups would be a lot more useful. Plenty of legendary/talent/conduit overviews already on yt.
could you tell me what you think about the necrolord covenant versus the kyrian one in pvp? in pve i think the brewdust is better but also in pvp ive heard that the brew will scale better than the flat kyrian mastery, i also think that the survialbility and the ultimate form a the end of the soulbind for merlieth has some merit
Since other people is asking for a guide with tips and tricks, i would like to say that what i think that made me improve a lot while learning feral was watching Breakdown of matches explaining why do you do what you do. But of course this takes more time and you already making guides for us noobs to gather info from is enough to thank you for your amazing work! Really appreciate it.
The RSK macros, jesus christ.
What about keefers reach legrndary from Wb
Rofl why you force your voice to be deep when you don't have one? Don't do that, you stress your vocal cords and harm them.
Yo thanks for the Video… How did you get PvP Potency thing on 226? Im Duelist and its only buyable at level 200? Or can i upgrade it too like the gear?
LOL i didnt like you at first but you kinda funny ngl
Voice suck
got suscribed, your tips are very useful and i really need to improve more as a ww after 100 cr points dropped in 2s xd
Hi Sleepy thx for the guide I manage to hit 2100 with your support. Do you have any hint against RMP? I am struggling with the opening. Either I overlap too much cd at the opening or I get killed instant: Thx dude
mooooore pls
Grate video!! Are you streaming as swell?
payo being salty at the end makes this 10x better, thanks for the video!
Hey thanks for the vid. I was wondering why you FoF first instead of RSK after you press SEF?
If you use RSK first then the FoF will never bug and it will get your clones on the target.
A tips against other classes vid would be really cool
You talk about a word a min when explaining shit you dont need to be slow about, then absolutely ridiculously fast during the rotation. Also your vocal fry is out of this world holy shit.