Shadowlands RESTO SHAMAN 9.0.5 | My Legendary & Covenant Choices (Raid/M+)

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… Covenants 15:44 Summary Patch 9.0 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Expansion. External Sources Raid and dungeon class statistics:


41 thoughts on “Shadowlands RESTO SHAMAN 9.0.5 | My Legendary & Covenant Choices (Raid/M+)”

  1. Lots of good info. It’s so good to see shaman has so many good options. I’ll be staying Necro because I’m not doing high enough keys to worry about it. Great video as always Mad.

  2. I'm going to stick with Necrolord and Primal Tide Core. I find that even after the update and now other covenants are viable, I believe that this is still the strongest for mythic raiding going forward. Combined with Tumbling Waves and Swirling Currents, it is a super strong answer for many mechanics

  3. Started as venthyr and switched to necro a few weeks ago. Chain harvest is a really nice way to heal your group when pride is at max stacks but other than that I felt like the overall healing as necro is better. Also, my healing in raids noticeably improved but that might also be due to me improving as a healer.

  4. I've been NightFae since the beginning of Shadowlands and got easy KSM. IMO the coolest there isnt even singletarget damage, but mobility and cheat death. It saved me so many keys, that's just insane.
    Not sure if it's that good for super high keys tho.

  5. I went Night Fae at the start on my shaman, but went Venthyr at renown 24 or so since transfusion was frustrating and not very good. I hated Venthyr, but Chain Harvest was amazing.

    Now that transfusion is good, I'm happy; I can help with Prides really well too, as you pointed out….but you're making me want to try the earth ele legendary.

  6. Sticking with necrolord as I'm stilling progressing mythic and I feel its useful in keys enough to get me through (18-20 range). Will definitely be crafting the elemental legendary though! Looks like a good choice, I never feel like my legendary choices so far have affected too much apart from mana tide on prideful.

  7. I don't regret switching from Necro to Venthyr at all. Chain harvest just feels great. No setup, boom. Nightfae sounds tempting though.
    Tried out Earth Elemental legendary in +7 yesterday. Even without big pulls due to bolstering, the dps (at 210 ilvl) is amazing. Delightfully annoying for my friends DH tank.

  8. Been running night fae resto since the start, a tip I can definitely give is, do the damage part, and hold the healing (you got 20 seconds to pop the healing afterwards) ALWAYS drop a cloudburst before the healing and then get big storage. It's great fun to heal dungeons, especially if you run with a lot of melees 🙂

  9. Fae Transfusion is ALOT of burst aoe healing, works very nice with 5 man group when there is big damage, and it fuels your cloudburst totem for a huge chunk of extra healing. works little bit like MW Monks revival. especially after buff in 9.0.5 from 40% to 60% of damage done.

  10. I am glad you made this video, because I was contemplating making this legendary. I found no video of it used on resto and was unsure of its output. Hopefully they will keep the damage output as is. Will definitely make this on my shaman. Thanks!


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