Why You SUCK At Warrior Mage HPala | Shadowlands 9.0 PvP Guide

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0:00 – Intro
0:47 – General Comp Tips
2:55 – Paladin Mage Cross CC
6:52 – Warrior Defensive Support
11:25 – How To Win Games

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30 thoughts on “Why You SUCK At Warrior Mage HPala | Shadowlands 9.0 PvP Guide”

  1. This game kinda makes it so you will rarely beat the players that have been playing longer than you. It’s so difficult to break 2200 and even getting there is a struggle you have to sweat so hard as a newer player and it’s actually draining. I’ve been a player since BC and only recently got into pvp In legion I’ve tried to bring new friends over that love pvp but they all quit because the skillcap is just too high and they just don’t have hours per day to practice. It kinda sucks

  2. Ouch, I just wish I could queue and play the game. LFG boss has me hard stuck. I guess I'll have to find another game to play and watch the big dog streamers from the sidelines.

  3. WHAT. I dont suck, the healer sUCKS. i was a 4k rated r1 multi gladiator in vanilla and tbc! i could have had all the r1 titles if i kept playing, dont ask me to link achieves, i have videos on my old commodore that can prove it. and ofcourse it wasn't on this account either, this acc has separate achieves so people wont know it's me playing and whisper/fanboy me and my old acc is banned because i beat a GM 1v3 once and they banned me and said i was hacking.

  4. I really like your Videos. There is only way I can think of to improve them: Please name the songs running in the background 🙂 ! Would appreciate it very much !
    I couldn't find the song running in the background.

  5. You should make this for more comps! I’d love to see more comp strategies etc. On the site it’s mostly pov breakdowns without tactics. Keep up the good work!


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