Shadowlands Should You Main Marksmanship Hunter?

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Shadowlands Should You Main Marksmanship Hunter?


35 thoughts on “Shadowlands Should You Main Marksmanship Hunter?”

  1. I really dig these series Supa, thanks for putting em out! Torn between Rogue/Hunter this expansion. I was Rogue in Legion (haven't played BFA, it was too bad) and Hunter in WoD. Hope I make the right decision when the time comes!

  2. To answer the title: no, nobody should play MM. It’s a DH with 40 yard range. 4 buttons, zero skill. Double tap from camo is one of the most toxic things in the game currently though so it will attract lots of noobs.

  3. I usually don't comment on videos. But I am so tired of people saying "downside of being stationary" bruh they're not fucking locks. Besides aimed shot they are constantly fucking moving. Like wtf is everyone going on about being fucking stationary. Yes Aimed Shot is your main move but with the amount of haste, and with the Kyrian ability it doesn't fucking matter. Like NO ONE says shit about how destro locks are stationary or Frost Mage, or Ele. So annoying

  4. No because the play style is terrible and rotation feels like it makes no sense for someone that is supposed to be a Marksman Hunter. This is by far the worst MM iteration since BFA I don’t care about the numbers it does since it feels like driving a old clunker

  5. iv'e watched some of your other videos from searching for specs i'm interested in but i was just thinking about maining mm hunter and you just so happen upload this yesterday, pretty cool.

  6. Every new expansion Frost DK is urber strong. Then top PVP can't stand that a slow truck smashes them when they get close.

    Every time this happens. Then after awhile they will buff unholy. Same shit. By the end of the year.

    Rogue Mage healer.


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