No you should not. Hunters are historically bad at rated pvp. You are better off playing a class that is historically good. Like a warlock, warrior, mage, rogue, ect…
I really dig these series Supa, thanks for putting em out! Torn between Rogue/Hunter this expansion. I was Rogue in Legion (haven't played BFA, it was too bad) and Hunter in WoD. Hope I make the right decision when the time comes!
To answer the title: no, nobody should play MM. It’s a DH with 40 yard range. 4 buttons, zero skill. Double tap from camo is one of the most toxic things in the game currently though so it will attract lots of noobs.
I usually don't comment on videos. But I am so tired of people saying "downside of being stationary" bruh they're not fucking locks. Besides aimed shot they are constantly fucking moving. Like wtf is everyone going on about being fucking stationary. Yes Aimed Shot is your main move but with the amount of haste, and with the Kyrian ability it doesn't fucking matter. Like NO ONE says shit about how destro locks are stationary or Frost Mage, or Ele. So annoying
No because the play style is terrible and rotation feels like it makes no sense for someone that is supposed to be a Marksman Hunter. This is by far the worst MM iteration since BFA I don’t care about the numbers it does since it feels like driving a old clunker
iv'e watched some of your other videos from searching for specs i'm interested in but i was just thinking about maining mm hunter and you just so happen upload this yesterday, pretty cool.
So many peeps switching to hunter cause of the meta. This is laughable… Wait till it gets nerfed then see all these dps whores switch to the next flavor 🤣😂
Did you ever answer the question in the title??! I couldnt pay attention long enough to see if the question was ever answered because you ranted about so many other things.
I stopped playing WoW 2 months in Legion due to my job. Im so damn happy this expansion looks good now that im done with all the studying. Fucking lets goooo
for what its worth, i do feel better about my decision to main mm in SL.
No you should not. Hunters are historically bad at rated pvp. You are better off playing a class that is historically good. Like a warlock, warrior, mage, rogue, ect…
I really dig these series Supa, thanks for putting em out! Torn between Rogue/Hunter this expansion. I was Rogue in Legion (haven't played BFA, it was too bad) and Hunter in WoD. Hope I make the right decision when the time comes!
Is keryian the only good covenant for mm in arena? Or are any others good?
I would consider Survival but Blizz clearly hasn't
Dont feign death if a aff lock has UA on you. did it the other day and it counts as a dispel and one shot me XD
To answer the title: no, nobody should play MM. It’s a DH with 40 yard range. 4 buttons, zero skill. Double tap from camo is one of the most toxic things in the game currently though so it will attract lots of noobs.
fk mm and bm players …sv is awesome
I'm sad that we are forced to take Kyrian tbh
MM is good. But. I feel like after your burst opener its really lacking in pvp
I would love to see a video like this for an Elemental Shaman who is picking Necrolord.
No 🙂
Played warrior 15 years. Playing marks for now on
Played MM Hunter in Vanilla WoW. Stopped playing. Played DH in Legion. Will be playing MM Hunter in Shadowlands! Time to play WoW again. <3
And the main question is: is MM good in arena without the Kyrian ability?
I'm trying really hard to decide between MM Hunter and Ret Pally. Any chance you'd do Ret next?
I usually don't comment on videos. But I am so tired of people saying "downside of being stationary" bruh they're not fucking locks. Besides aimed shot they are constantly fucking moving. Like wtf is everyone going on about being fucking stationary. Yes Aimed Shot is your main move but with the amount of haste, and with the Kyrian ability it doesn't fucking matter. Like NO ONE says shit about how destro locks are stationary or Frost Mage, or Ele. So annoying
I hope the grind isn't crazy for one character. I love multi classing because it keeps the game fresh.
No because the play style is terrible and rotation feels like it makes no sense for someone that is supposed to be a Marksman Hunter. This is by far the worst MM iteration since BFA I don’t care about the numbers it does since it feels like driving a old clunker
Are you still going resto druid?
iv'e watched some of your other videos from searching for specs i'm interested in but i was just thinking about maining mm hunter and you just so happen upload this yesterday, pretty cool.
serpent sting legendary actually does a ton of damage
I just cant sit there and cast aimed shot no way bm it is
I swear, everyone is rerolling MM hunter lately.
So many peeps switching to hunter cause of the meta. This is laughable… Wait till it gets nerfed then see all these dps whores switch to the next flavor 🤣😂
I wish one of these videos would show the rotation…
This is all focused around pvp, and not pve at all, just say that you don't pve because you can tell that you barely ever do
Did you ever answer the question in the title??! I couldnt pay attention long enough to see if the question was ever answered because you ranted about so many other things.
Every new expansion Frost DK is urber strong. Then top PVP can't stand that a slow truck smashes them when they get close.
Every time this happens. Then after awhile they will buff unholy. Same shit. By the end of the year.
Rogue Mage healer.
Dont know what to choose, hunter Dk or warrior 😓
So Kyrian is the way to go for a MM hunter?
Marksmanship is my main for the XPack, with Survival a close second with PvP. I'm extremely psyched.
Supatease you don’t tease bro you consistently deliver the goods. Another awesome vid. You are a huge boon to the wow community.
I stopped playing WoW 2 months in Legion due to my job. Im so damn happy this expansion looks good now that im done with all the studying. Fucking lets goooo
BM shits all over MM