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Shadowlands Solo Q / Tier Set Info
Tip in case you guys dont know: Dalaran Gaming does 5v5 1v1s all the time and streams almost every single day on youtube. Lots of fun and ANYONE can participate 😀
The Tier sets look better than wow did the last 3 years.
I am so hyped For Solo q ! Finally ! I think this Kind of Mode would be Great If It would be 2 heals + 4 dps
O think that if u q as 6dps that can mean a shift on play-stile and talents that can bring some variety out of the meta talents.
Super exciting! Tier sets that increase damage, double legendaries to increase damage, games r gnna be soooo fast! gnna be amazing experience! ……………………………….. Cough
thing about tier sets is its fitted to your spec not your cov like most think, so till we get more info on what they do for the 2,4,6 piece set bonus then we can kinda plan out what 2 legos we want going into 9.2 but im sure like blizz fasion we will have to wait 2-4 weeks to unlock it to be able to use 2 at the same time. glad tier sets are coming back like they said, kinda 40/60 on the 2 legos cuz most cov legos depending on spec just out right sucks and those need to be changed or just let us use w/e 2 legos we want at this point.
If they add soloq I literally am downloading wow back and renew subscription the moment they do it!
I'm still feeling like we also need a bit of mayo to all of that ketchup!
I stopped playing 3 weeks ago, I hoped that there would be something PvP related that was worth coming back to. Doesnt look like it sadly.
That brawl seems fun. I guess it would add something unique to the honor grind.
Whoa I like Blizzard's solo PvP idea. I bet everyone likes it so we'll have this mode for RBGs and 2v2 next 👍
Next Blizzard should update the default UI. Especially for PvP. Just a Blizz version of WeakAuras all set up by default would make PvP look sooo much different especially for viewers' benefit. Nameplate cooldowns add-on by default would help a ton also.
So many people have the worst PvP UIs and the pros can't use add-ons so they're stuck with current WoW default UI. Presents WoW PvP so…unclear.
I dont understand whats so "challenging" about a solo q for rated pvp. This new brawl that theyre adding is NOT what we've been asking for. I simply want to queue up without waiting in LFG for an hour+, and not have to worry about bad teammates decisions dropping my rating. All Blizzard has to do is make it to where you can queue 1v1 arenas and players will duel to the death. Winner gets rating loser loses rating. Whats so "challenging" blizzard?
No 3 dps, no prot specs no double healers.
Wow won't be good for another 3 expansions at least. My bet is never though. Rip.
I am ok to try this brawl but with MMR system, or it's just like skirmish…
I don't understand you Supatease or blizz or any other kind of player which says that gear or anything else should be required for any sort of stats increase in Rated PVP (gears, conduits, tier sets, legendarys etc…) The legendary powers and conduits are fun. But they should be like a panel to choose from (legendary effects too) and not have to farm anything other than PvP skill…. for arenas for whatever.
We should pvp only for bragging rights without influencing the stats in any way.
People should pvp because they enjoy it, not because they are pushed to do it to get gear and stuff….
What do you guys say about this ? You guys think it's good for the game if a better skilled player gets even more powerfull (from gear and stats in general) than a lesser skilled player ? I'm not saying this shouldn't exist at all. It should but ONLY in non-rated content….
3! to determine the winner then? 9 matches seems like maybe an issue
Just being pessimistic, this soloq brawl event is most like going to be 1 week only. So resubbing for only doesn’t seem like a good thing for me to do. If its forever maybe
The set bonus will change upon changing specc ofc, this baldheaded liar…. listen the RNG on tier sets and valt progresson plus the bad drop rates in M+ and raid are not random. They are like lootboxes meant to keep you in there as long as possible before you quit the game so probably 11 week. Its a scam and we are already losing players.
We heard your feedback, that wow has to many systems. So we added some systems to fix the systems…