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Explaining why I love Survival so much right now. Incredibly fun and explosive! Will have some guides to follow up with!
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Im currently maining survival aswell, and it IS the most fun spec.
I would however also add that just a few tiny changes would make it even better. Like changing vipers venom back to the old one, making the infused bomb effects more pronounced. The latter isnt as simple i suppose…
Great Vid!
Survival is clapping rn! Once you understand when to press your buttons its wild! I saw Azorthorian downed Mythic Sark as Survival. Insane
survival most fun spec in the game easily, people really dont know what they are missing
You should talk to Azortharion concerning theorycrafting
Even though spec is not polished I can live with that but only issue I have with survival is long self healing cooldowns something should be done about that if blizz doesn't want to "rework" survival hunter other than that its actually not bad
Best change to survival has been the higher range on melee attacks, like in good ol' Legion times :Y
I feel like Hydra's Bite is a comfort pick for me. I don't want to have to worry about LPI sniping when there's already a ton going on that you have to spend brain-gcd's on. Also, harpoon+SS is net-neutral on focus with the imp harpoon talent. Even without the talent it's like net -2 focus. Then you can let green bomb's "smart" application take care of mobs that weren't tagged already. Although tyr weeks I do take LPI for the ST dmg.