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SL ElvUI specific WeakAuras can also be found on and Import Type Collection, to find WeakAura collections for all 36 specializations.
Only SL ElvUI will be kept up to date throughout Shadowlands.
The intention of the “SL WA Norm” profile is to gradually hide (alpha) the bars at the bottom, since all fight relevant spells are displayed through the WeakAuras interface in the middle but are not able to display keybinds.
If you are already confident with your keybinding, you can hide them completely straight away or make them activate by mouse over only.
The “SL ElvUI Norm” profile is for players who prefer the action bars directly, myself included. Buffs, Debuffs, etc. are still displayed around the ElvUI action bar in the middle, as shown in the video.
All Shadowlands Legendaries, Soulbinds, Conduits, Covenant abilities and Trinkets are tracked and included in the interface. If some information is too much for you, feel free to disable the Loading option for any WeakAura.
Always use the corresponding WeakAuras file / data for either ElvUI profile.
This means, if you want to use the “SL WA Norm” ElvUI profile, then also use the WeakAuras made for this profile.
ElvUI profile: SL WA —- WAs for SL WA
ElvUI profile: SL ElvUI —- WAs for SL ElvUI
You can also individually add each WeakAura group, as well as re-add if you messed something up, without having to reimport the whole WeakAura file. You can find the .txt files in the associated folder.
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I have error with druid feral and guardian please heal me :'c
The project wil continue? I didnt see any update in the website so far..