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Link to Covenant tier list(ongoing):
Intro: 0:00
Covenants?: 0:54
Renown: 7:24
Cosmetic Rewards: 11:04
Getting Anima & Souls: 15:35
Sanctum Upgrades: 18:54
Unique Feature Necrolords: 22:14
Unique Feature Kyrian: 24:25
Unique Feature Night Fae: 26:01
Unique Feature Venthyr: 29:18
Changing Covenants & Alts: 33:05
Good vid man…subscribed.
Thanks for making this clear and detailed video
Learn to pronounce
noun: enema; plural noun: enemas; plural noun: enemata
a procedure in which liquid or gas is injected into the rectum, typically to expel its contents, but also to introduce drugs or permit X-ray imaging.
Do you feel the chill running up your spine?The intro is rolling
You said there would be a link for the BiS covenant list but I can't find it
Why does Blizzard add a new mission table in every exp? It is way too simple and stupid! Like a Tamagotchi, you are forced to pet every day!
Love your videos! 🙂
I hope Shadowlands is worth the time, good luck y'all.
Really a 36 min video? You cannot expect anyone to actually watch this… right?
May I have your elvui settings? I rly like it
I give this a big thumbs up. Very comprehensive and helpful guide.
A nima
not Enema
Enema is a rectum cleanse lol
How do you do mission table stuff on your phone?
Awesome video! Manythanks!
Do you mean I have to finish the bfa campaign before I can choose a covenant in shadowlands? Or will there be a shadowland campaign?
I just like dungeons and rates and all these systems bore me to death already. I will do the bare minimum
Is that UI available as a pack?
Man anyway we can get your ui profile
nice, more timegated shit
hum… so 3/4 special buildings are just cosmetic but Fae gives crafting materials…?
Anyone not confused?
Wait so we need to play all covenants on alts to get covenant specific aurmour, mounts story?
Nice video thank you for the info! I think that this google doc is no longer being updated tho, unlucky
This is the first time playing WoW that I feel like my main is a selection and not a definitive forced choice. I am super excited to start playing especially after this video giving me an really deep look into the changes coming.
Really was a great and informative video, truly – ignore all the negative comments 🙂