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Spinning Crane Kick is OP โ Windwalker Monk Shadowlands PvP 9.0.5 Twitch:
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Spinning Crane Kick is OP โ Windwalker Monk Shadowlands PvP 9.0.5 Twitch:
wait. was there a buff this week ? I have seen a clip from trill saying monk is back.
Are you running serenity with invokers
Are u still running invokers?
Do you get the crane kick legi ? Or u afraid of it gettin nerfd ? ๐ ๐ ๐
That is digusting…
I love it
When there is a new change to monks, it would be so helpful to get a small intro maybe explain the build, would make your videos 1000 times better
hey, just quick question, when do i use serenity and ivokers, when serenity with xuens? love yours content BIG thumb up
What build is this master? D:
Wow that damage! So sick dude!
Loool, new imba????
Niceeee should we take coordinated offensive now?
Has this happened on eu servers yet or is this only US?
Why does sck hit that much? Bcos of legendary or conduit wtf is that xD
Dude stop putting shit like this in your titles or we get nerfed again… zzz. Good shit though, love your videos :). I dropped a like!
Are you using calculated strikes conduit?
Hey can you explain what i need for this dmg ?
i am having a LOT of fun in BG's ๐
next reset we get nerf in pvp on crane kick in pvp
What are you doing to hit that high? Is it your mastery thats doing it ? I'm at 202 with a bunch of 207 pieces but I've noticed I've got alot more crit then mastery should I work on switching that?
Is that build with xuens treasure?
Is the stat prio different for xuens?
im looking forward to ur next vid, to see how u did this. i wasnt able to do it lol
I have 226 Calculated Strikes conduit from Hungering Ima try this tomorrow ๐ค๐ผ