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Unholy Death Mythic+ Rotation Guide for Shadowlands 9.0. Learn how to use your cooldowns, set up your burst and execute your burst in order to optimise your damage!
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00:00 Introduction
01:27 Cooldown Usage
07:10 Festertabbing
09:20 Runic Power Dumping
11:23 Death and Decay Burst
12:45 Example Sequence
14:20 Example Gameplay
17:20 Outro
Wow perfect timing , just checked your channel for a new upload ♥️😂
There it is dude
First global.
Been looking forward to this guide ever since you released your first unholy one of the xpac. Thank you Bicep!!
I'm Single 😍😥
The issue is after I did all these setup, fire mage or marksman hunter has already pretty much destroyed the pack. Makes my damage look pathetic.
Thanks again for that sweet sweet content , the aoe was kinda hard to wrap my head round compared to frost. Would you recommend macroing sweeping claw to abilities?
Thanks for these videos they really help. I do have an additional request: Can you do a key bind video and do you use macro's in your rotation and if so can you share? My biggest gripe is that you have so many things to keep track of besides the fight mechanics so that at times it's either overwhelming or I forget to fully utilize my rotation. Can you also share tips of how to pick your rotation back up. By that I mean, for example a fight like Sludgefist where you and your chained partner need to step out and come back in. How do you pick up where you left off? What do you need to watch for? Things like that are valuable and I don't see a lot of people speak on it. Thanks again for your tips and help and Happy 2021
Lovely! Again, your vids are incredibly helpful. The short clips showing your guide in slowmo action help it come together perfectly. I eagerly await the single target version of this and the Frost ones. Hahaha! /w Please play Blood a little… pleeeeease!
Thanks again for the video! Do you always use PP with IC & DT leggo even if its tyrannical week or can you run a blend of IC with SR for example?
Epidemic also reduces CD of dark transformation doesnt it?
Timing couldnt be better just decided to try unholy (coming from frost) yesterday amazing vid 🙂
Which legendary would you recommend for myhtic plus? Shambler or Frenzied?
Do you play soul reaper as a talent if yes when do i have to use it. Can you tell us the balanced talents for aoe and single target in keys thx 🙏🏻
are apocalypse ghouls affected by the haste buff from unholy assault? also are all our ghouls in general affected by it also?