Shadowlands Unholy DK Mists +15 Gameplay and Commentary (Wound Build)

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Hi guys, today I’m bringing you through a +15 Mists I did the other day. I’m trying out the wound build today, picking up Infected Claws, Bursting Sores and Unholy Assault. I’m running Heirmir soulbind with the Frenzied Monstrosity legendary. Content is taken from my twitch stream!


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20 thoughts on “Shadowlands Unholy DK Mists +15 Gameplay and Commentary (Wound Build)”

  1. I'm a big fan of sores as you can effectively set up a window every pull in mist and honestly surprised by the damage considering lack of Festermight. At how many mobs would the AoE cap hinder sores builds though?

  2. There was a video I think you did a while back adding pet macros into all your spells. Any chance someone could link me to it or provide the macro? It would be greatly appreciated!!
    Side note, love the vid. I often think about running this build and never do. Think I might try it before the reset

  3. I love Clawing shadows cause you make dmg safely , moreover its 100% shadow dmg not 50% physical – Does it synergizes better with burning sores in fort week than inf claws ?

  4. Quick question: do you pull the same overall dps if the mage is in there ? I'm main unholy transiting to frost, highest key I've done is a 19. I've uploaded them to my youtube. If you ever watch it, address my mistakes please, could learn a thing or two


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