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Vengeance Demon Hunters have received some really nice buffs during Shadowlands, and they look like they’re going to have their best expansion start ever! They hit hard, they heal hard, and they’re super mobile. Spirit Bomb is usable again! What’s not to love?
Llarold has the breakdown of everything that’s changed for Vengeance Demon Hunters in Shadowlands!
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0:00 Intro
0:28 Why Play Vengeance DH?
1:20 Covenants
16:17 Conduits
21:09 Legendaries
23:35 Talents
25:35 Rotation
26:46 Stats & Gear
29:10 Outro
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Nice vid
Appreciate the guide man, have fun tomorrow!
Venthyr might be better later on when mythic plus teams start doing 20+ keys and tanks need defensive more than dmg?
why does you r mic keep cutting out?
So do you think that kyrian is the best long term option or another covenant?
Great guide, keep up the good work! I'm struggling to choose my main tank for SL… Only doing +15 keys so I guess every class is viable but would you go DH instead of pala or druid?