Shadowlands vs. Shadowbringers (WoW vs. FFXIV – 2021 Edition)

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Make love not war(craft) !

My previous comparison videos:
WoW vs FFXIV – 2021 Edition:
WoW vs FFXIV – 2020 Edition: WoW vs FFXIV – 2021 Edition

For some FFXIV Gameplay on Twitch:

Above that, thank you for every way of support on Patreon:

You can get Final Fantasy XIV here:
• FFXIV: Shadowbringers:
• Complete Edition (30 days included):
• 60 days Subscription card:

My Gaming/Recording setup:
• CPU – (Ryzen 9 5900x):
• GPU – (RTX 3080 Aorus Master):
• Display – (lg Ultragear 27gn950-B):
• Rec/Mic – (Razer Seiren):
• Headset – (Razer Blackshark V2 Pro):
• Streaming Headset – (CoolerMaster MH650):
• Keyboard – (Razer Ornata):
• Mouse – (Razer Naga Trinity):
• Webcam – (Razer Kiyo Pro):
• Speaker – (Razer Leviathan):

The links provided are linked to my
Amazon Affiliate account at no extra cost to you
and contain valuable Alternatives, due to recent poor availability

#Shadowlands #Shadowbringers #Endwalker


24 thoughts on “Shadowlands vs. Shadowbringers (WoW vs. FFXIV – 2021 Edition)”

  1. First Rule of the MMO-Club – dont compare MMOs.
    Or else your free company chat will evolve into a never ending discussion about whats wrong in WoW and in your Guild-Chat how FFXIV is just for weebs.

  2. I mean, I know you make a living out of videos but do you really need clickbait videos like this? I've liked your content since I started playing xiv and never thought you would go down this way lol

  3. My stance is on the amount of things to do: FFXIV I’ve already completed everything I wanted to do and I don’t feel like paying a sub to do weekly raids or tombstones, but on wow I’ve got a ton of stuff I’ve barely even scratched the surface of yet even with 2,000 hours of playtime.

  4. Thank god FF14 doesn't emphasize pvp very much. There are already so many mmos that try to either focus on both pve and pvp or focus only on pvp, and the ones that try to do both end up having each side suffer for the other.

    Mmo pvp is such a nightmare in general. It's always either a game of dropping people in less than a second, or a game of who can chain cc who more. Forget that mess. WoW can keep it.

  5. I’ve given both a fair shake. I put a solid year into WoW and while I had some moments that stood out, it never clicked. One fateful day I saw the beta on ps3 for FFXIV coming out and signed up for it. From the moment I stepped into the beta for ARR I was in LOVE without question. They got me and it has been my most consistent game I’ve played for the last 8 years putting so many hours into crafting, learning rotations, new fun classes to try out and while the game has changed so much over the past 8 years not including its original iteration, this will probably be my forever game. I’ll never forget my many adventures in Eorzea. If anyone is ever looking for someone to run with lemme know I’ve no problem starting another new character on any server for the millionth time lmao

  6. I would describe FF14 in "This series can be really good, but it only gets good after episode 50".
    Played FF14 till the mid of Shadowbringers. From my experience, it's really hard to recommend this to other friends because of "A Realm Reborn" being really shitty. Many of my friends have tried and they can't get beyond ARR. It's seems that is the biggest dealbreaker and I can't blame them.
    Reasons/Dealbreakers of friends who stopped:
    – Some just want to play darknight or astrologian or machinist but they can't because they have to endure ~ 200+ quests till Heavensward.
    – They don't like Characters and Story
    – artificial story prolonging by having to do random quests (in the main story)…

    My opinion:
    – Story is a mixed bag but all in all kinda good: ARR and Stormblood have BIG pacing/character problems, while Heavensward and Shadowbringers do a good job getting the player invested.
    – Characters are VERY BAD till Heavensward, progressively get better and better in Stormblood and Shadowbringers
    – Keep in mind that the writing is really "Final Fantasy like" ( a lot of kitsch, good or bad is for you to decide) which contains the "weeb" part to some extend
    – PVE is really good
    – Community is really nice, like REALLY NICE. Never seen it in an MMO. (not that i play that much)
    – darknight or astrologian or machinist after Heavensward is a NOGO needs to change
    – artificial story prolonging by having to do random/stupid quests (in the main story) is a VERY noticable.

    All in all I think it's worth when Heavensward begins, but only after that. It keeps me in a limbo where I don't know if FF14 is average or really good. let's see what the end of shadowbringer and endwalker brings.

  7. WOW will die when people like Asmon/Bellular/Esfand/Joker or any other streamer give ff14 a try and get to 80. They will love the game and make their huge followings join ff14!

  8. The reason why I don't like the wow commumity in general is because of it's toxicicty. There's been a high rise of negative activity coming to final fantasy due to ex wowers coming over and it makes me so mad.

  9. Man, you had to point out that they're both almost the same game at their core at first. Part of me still resents the huge loss of 1.18's actual unique gameplay vs the much more derivative thing we got with 2.0+. 🙁

  10. I use to enjoy wow but it lost its spark loosing there devs ive tried to get ppl from wow to play ff14 but its so ingrained in them it will get better. I taken 1 mate thru arr with another character to 60 then when to my main and started lvling my gnb from 60 with ng+ lol to keep up with his xp was so hard from msq rewards doing all my roullets and other things he is like y r u not getting xp from quest i think they should give half the xp for ng+ msq and it would get vets to help there new friends

  11. I like to share one of my recent experience that make me love FF14 even more.
    i'm like into this game for 480 days, more then 500 if you count the free playing
    and I spent most of my time, gather and crafting, so I have all crafting and gather job level 80
    yet only one healer and one DPS job at level 80

    recently I was leveling up my Knight/Paladin, and I across with the job quest
    in this quest you have to fight in a tournament
    and the Main NPC will ask you to talk to some other competitor before it begin
    most of the NPC will just said "i've heard of you before or I cant believe I have to fight the Hero "etc..
    but there's one guy wearing in Bronze set of armor came up with a different type of dialog which blows my mind
    he said something like "Just because you made my armor, that doesn't mean I will go easy on you!"

    YES! I made this guy's Armor when I was a noob! and the game remember!
    you have no idea how happy I am!
    this game make me felt like I really lives in a different world, and these are my friend!
    and yes I confirm with my friend who didn't spent time in crafting and he had never met this NPC before
    he got the usual "I cant believe I have to fight the Hero who save the world" or something

    the little things that make me know how much effort the team has put in FF14


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