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A bite sized guide to week 2 of Shadowlands and what to expect. This is a temporary series to help us along in our first few weeks of Shadowlands, including what’s going to be available as we move along.
Soul’s Morning Stream – 830AM Tuesday through Thursday
Raid Streams – 7PM Tuesdays and Thursdays
World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!
Posting this during the downtime is a genius level IQ move. Always good content!
what is the 3rd quest for renown? one is to collect anima, second to rescue souls and the third?
Big Brain plays as servers go down. Love the content brotha!
Content couldn't have been uploaded at a better time. Many views quickly to you I predict
This was excalty what i wanted to know for week 2 thank you!
I’m a bit behind but have done all thorgast and renown.. But haven’t done the maw really. How important is it? And what does the rescue souls do? Any feedback would be appreciated.
Loving the expansion so far. Two characters at max level, though I'm really only focusing on progressing one. Gonna try to level up another alt this week.
Ah I was unable to unlock the Maw before the end of week 1, unfortunately! At least I had fun though! Thanks for this heads up!
I'm thinking of swapping my covenant (not swapping back, just switching my choice), am I screwed with how renown goes away when you change covenant? Or is the catch up there so I can get to rank 6 since I'll be behind instead of at rank 3?
I went to your stream just half an hour after you published this and it's not live. I also notice your schedule says tuesdays at 7 *PM*. Did you publish at AM on accident? It was actually awesome timing.
Having fun with new xpac!
Your voice….it’s been so long…too long!! Stay breezy man! Thx for the info! I am thoroughly enjoying myself within the Shadowlands. It’s been along time since I can say World of Warcraft is just plain old fun fun
Honestly, I’ve just been taking my time I didn’t even hit the renowned level cap…And I don’t even care. Mainly because I do not feel as though I have to compete this time around and stay relevant. World Warcraft is a video game again and not a chore
oo i thought there was no reset this week so we didnt have to rush . oh well