Shadowlands Week 2 Guide: What To Expect

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A bite sized guide to week 2 of Shadowlands and what to expect. This is a temporary series to help us along in our first few weeks of Shadowlands, including what’s going to be available as we move along.

Soul’s Morning Stream – 830AM Tuesday through Thursday
Raid Streams – 7PM Tuesdays and Thursdays

World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!


16 thoughts on “Shadowlands Week 2 Guide: What To Expect”

  1. I'm thinking of swapping my covenant (not swapping back, just switching my choice), am I screwed with how renown goes away when you change covenant? Or is the catch up there so I can get to rank 6 since I'll be behind instead of at rank 3?

  2. I went to your stream just half an hour after you published this and it's not live. I also notice your schedule says tuesdays at 7 *PM*. Did you publish at AM on accident? It was actually awesome timing.

  3. Your voice….it’s been so long…too long!! Stay breezy man! Thx for the info! I am thoroughly enjoying myself within the Shadowlands. It’s been along time since I can say World of Warcraft is just plain old fun fun

  4. Honestly, I’ve just been taking my time I didn’t even hit the renowned level cap…And I don’t even care. Mainly because I do not feel as though I have to compete this time around and stay relevant. World Warcraft is a video game again and not a chore


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