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wasn’t the cleanest run, but we managed to get it done on the day of release 🙂 everyone in the squad was approx 186-188 ilv. teammates played great and really happy we got it done.
Gj ! Why you didnt proc the realm first mm+15 achievement ?
Why you ban me on twaaaaitch. I was there to witness this :((((
is there a way to know overall dungeon damage instead of per instance?
Whats the first song called or do you have a playlist? 🙂
I don't feel bad for the nerfs mages and rogues are about to get tbh.
why no overall
Hey Mate 🙂 thanks for the vid, could u explain why u choose Kyrian over Nightfae for M+ ? or do u just like it more ?
Greetings and best luck on next runs 🙂
that is some of the most on the edge of my seat shit I've ever seen in WoW well fucking played sir
your shadowsteps are on point!!
What was the HPS for the Prideful time?
Isn’t only +6 available atm?
this is nuts. congrats.
What is the reason you used this comp? Just curious
Guide for world first rogue play: Roll a brokenly overtuned class.
What's that addon that displays your rotation on the left side of the video?
surprise – rogue mage meta again lol
Ur left black "chat" sucks, it interferes all ur stream. place there hps Idc 😀
the tank is doing more dps than most of the other specs in aoe lol wtf?
What made you want to go Kyrian instead of night fae? Was it just for potion?
bUt aOe iS cAp aT FiVe tArGeTs. I love when people say this. Just makes me pull more eveytime
what addon is his rotation helper?
the music is sick! can you do a quick playlist? Youtube auto-generated 4 songs, are they correct? is it missing some tracks? cheers
Nice job guys
Congratulations man, we only just about managed to do a +7 last night! How come you are using the 100% crit Lego instead of the +25% damage one from last raid boss? (Finality) Is it because it's better for m+? or you haven't done the raid yet?
You need to show us the loot!!
that beyond the wall track is insane, really like it
insane sh!t there! congrats guys…! keep it up, we want to see more! :3
When should you flame strike when there are 3 adds or more?