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A Live Stream was recently held through Twitch through the official World of Warcraft account, and some exclusive Shadowlands compositions were heard in the waiting room. Make sure to present them first in the list, and consecutively the current compositions already known so far are ordered
00:00 World of Warcraft Live Stream Twitch 08/07/20 (Fragment 1)
03:50 World of Warcraft Live Stream Twitch 08/07/20 (Fragment 2)
10:30 Rtc Bad
11:09 Bastion General walk 01 (By Glenn Stafford)
13:52 Bastion General walk 02 (By Glenn Stafford)
16:35 Bastion Aspirants Journey 1 (By Glenn Stafford)
19:19 Bastion Tobekyrian 02 (By Glenn Stafford)
25:12 Bastion Tobekyrian 01 (By Glenn Stafford)
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#ShadowlandsMusic #WowVGM #ShadowlandsOst
00:00 World of Warcraft Live Stream Twitch 08/07/20 (Fragment 1)
03:50 World of Warcraft Live Stream Twitch 08/07/20 (Fragment 2)
10:30 Rtc Bad
11:09 Bastion General walk 01 (By Glenn Stafford)
13:52 Bastion General walk 02 (By Glenn Stafford)
16:35 Bastion Aspirants Journey 1 (By Glenn Stafford)
19:19 Bastion Tobekyrian 02 (By Glenn Stafford)
25:12 Bastion Tobekyrian 01 (By Glenn Stafford)
0:00–1:48 could easily be part of the login screen music, its just awesome
I've been eagerly awaiting more music from Shadowlands, and finally some more music!
The first track is amazing, i like how at the start and at 0:55 it sounds like the Bolvar music from 8.3.
And once again, the WoW Music Team DOESN'T MISS!
Pretty disappointing tbh. Too epic, not somber enough. To much singing and to much big orchestral instruments. Check out darksiders 2 soundtrack, it fits more to shadowland, than this one does. One epic track is ok (darksiders 2 had the guardian theme) but if everything sounds epic, then nothing does, it all sounds the same and won't be stuck in our head like good music
the bolvar motif is great…we will probably listen to it a lot in the xpec
You're the GOAT
Where's the leaked exclusive part?
no real orchestra like previous expansions, looks promising
The "To be Kyrian" part sounds so soothing with the bells… This gonna be the most relaxing zone to play in
0:30 my heart racin out here
To Be Kyrian in some parts with those bells reminds me of the Crimson Halls from ICC.
Not a fan of how there’s adverts every 5 minutes….
The bolvar music is the best
27:09 <3
The first piece could have been the login screen music if there was the Iconic WoW theme in it.
The first part def has some inspiration from John Williams and Kylo Ren's theme, which is awesome
0:00–1:48 cinematic 100% 😀
I'm having a hard time latching on to any melodies or motifs, but overall still enjoyable.
World of Warcraft music is the real 21st century music. From Gregorian Chant to Renaissance, from Baroque to Classicism and next to Romanticism, from Atonality and Aleatory to Electronic Music, and then we have these World of Warcraft masterpieces. This music MUST be a part of, not only gaming, TV, Film, etc. music, but a part of our Global, Historical Music. Trully I believe that the greatest Compositors of all Time, even Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin himself, could had been very interested about WoW themes, they would Respect the Music.
Always makes your Inside Flying.
Official promotion via Real followers and comments..
While it's a lot of appreciated effort to upload all this, the pops and skips in the music are really bad. What compression did you use?
First song….. Music team carrying the franchise again!
i wish i was 16 again so i could spend whole day playing WoW, no i have to do adult shit and i dont think WoW is gonan be around once i get to pension.
Shadowlands will be awesome, I belive in it