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Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:40 Warbands Overview
01:24 Character Select Screen
02:31 Warband Bank
05:00 Reputations
06:39 Achievements
08:19 Transmog Collection
09:44 Delves
10:11 Flight Paths
10:29 Map Exploration
11:13 Final Thoughts & Outro
The big thing I'm looking toward is if we already have something on a character they can't use, will selling it in TWW still unlock it? I have the LFR Greatsword from ToT on my Warlock, I want that mog for my warrior lol
The way they set up the warbands favorites, makes me wonder if they will incorporate your alts for delves or solo dungeons with ai Allies. Heck, why not call a favorite warband buddy while you’re out in the world soloing quests, dailies, or resource farming. That way, you always have a buddy with you.
Okay, interesting question. My warrior back in Vanilla got to a certain rank, so I can use the replica versions of the 60 sets. Will this mean that I have the replica versions for all my other classes now too due to everything merging?
let me guess honor and conquest is not a sharable currency within warband
Looks cool but too little too late
Major W in my books
I hope they let use Brann out in the world. not just in combat
does anyone know if gear drops from things like dungeons and delves will be warbound?
I hope we get the choice to turn off bonus exp, I like to quest slow during Chromie time and speed it up during 60-70
Wait, no class sets?????? That is the main reason to farm looks.
The Warbands system is a great start but I hope they build upon it over time – for example, taking your Warband into a (followers) Dungeon as a group and earning experience and loot as a group.
1:37 Well, that's Blizzard.
Instead of cool looking characters in some custom poses on concept we have diablo 2 screen.
I just hope they will add different environments for the character select. It would be cool if they had one with your 4 characters sitting at a bar in a tavern
2.5 million is horse shit. I'll just keep using my guild bank.
I love it. Thumbs up!!
About time that we had access to character items account wide, and this also seems incredibly alt friendly, which is nice to see too. Great info.
This is so damn cool. My Alliance main and my Horde main are gonna be like bros man. XD
They can do all this but they still can't make it so you can play cross region.
like diablo immortal..
hello new gold sink….. What the actual Feck! the most gold i ever had was 30K and that's only currently because i don't have anything to spend it on, wth would they make it so expensive?!
Is ludicrous to think this "warband" system took, not yet fully account wide, 20 years to implement. They needed to total depleted our faith to give us some quality of life and a new character screen.
Can they make it for all reputations… Like come on
Did he say 3 minute cooldown…
LOOOOL this is a new feature???? Pathetic.
Lmao, Transmog doesn't involve class sets??? The only reason people do those silly old raids?? Idiotic move again.
How about all the Tokens? I have 70K Apexis crystals from dreanor on one charackter and on another 100k. Will this be shared?
In addition to the map, I hope they also add a “Complete All Quests Completed by Warband”-toy (without rewards, obviously).
great! pretty nice but in my opinion its not a game changer. Its a nice feature for sure, but it is not something that will get me into buying the expansion.