Sharm ~ Make Your Choice Ft. Tanexx (World Of Warcraft Parody)

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Tanexx and I are so happy to share our duet with you based on “Come What May” from Moulin Rouge ( HUGE, huge, huuuuuge thank you to Tanexx for literally doing all of the legwork for the collaboration. Not only did he write the lyrics, but together with his childhood friend Thoms, they worked tirelessly on the video which I am so proud to share with you and to have on my channel. We really hope you enjoy our duet as Sylvanas & Anduin.

Another duet with Tanexx:
Song of the Lonely Mountain

More from Tanexx:

I am a passionate singer, songwriter and content creator here on YT. Each of my videos provide significant creative value in the form of my singing, composing or entertainment via vlogging. Many hours go into my videos and none of my content is reused. I will always put 100% into creatively adapting any footage, cover or parody to allow my creative value to show.

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#worldofwarcraft #parody #makeyourchoice


31 thoughts on “Sharm ~ Make Your Choice Ft. Tanexx (World Of Warcraft Parody)”

  1. Lyrics: (by Tanexx)

    Verse 1:

    Never wished for immortality. Like I never had free will before.

    Want to banish my humanity. Every day I suffer more and more.

    Listen little lion, can you hear my plea? I never had control over anything.

    (Light, stay with me… even here)

    Forces may change. Undeath to chains.

    But I beg you, to see that hope, won’t, remain.

    Hope will fade, nothing is fair, not life not death, Mourneblade cut to my last breath.

    Verse 2:

    Suddenly your words they don’t seem out of place.

    Suddenly, I hear the hopeful plea in your voice.

    Suddenly your/my life doesn’t seem such disgrace.

    You just never had a choice.


    The ranger general lives on, still eclipsed not,

    By the banshee queen who burned Teldrassil down.

    Buried side of you, it will/won’t rise anew


    I give you,

    (Why give me?)

    This choice of mine, one last, time. (one last time)

    Make your choice!

    Choice yours make!

    Why do hesitate? Become/You are an instrument of death.

    Oh Sylvanas

    Oh Anduin

    Choice yours make!

    Make your choice!

    I won’t become…

    What Arthas was.

    Suddenly our fates, they are forged by Mourneblades

    Last chorus:

    At Mourneblades,

    Both of our fates

    I have free will, I will not follow, his, way.

  2. I say this. If Sylvanas gets a redemption arc, I am done. Don't get me wrong, I am For The Horde!, and took her side in BfA. She is my Warchief, but some things cannot be redeemed. Please, Blizzard, do not ruin this for me.

  3. "Come what may" have been my favorite song for so long, oh my god, hearing it again is like, wow… First heard it from you, I could find no words to describe how content it made me feel, I still don't know what to write, but I'll write it anyway. 🙂 Thanks a lot, Sharm!

  4. That son of the Wolf comic really ruins the tension of Anduins situation…

    Anduin: So…. we just stand like this until 9.1?
    Sylvanas: Guess so…. awkward.
    Jailer: What the blazes is taking her so long?
    Tyrande: This damn tower better have a good court… been feeding off Maw-rats for weeks…

  5. Once again, you stirred a lot of feelings in me with your song Sharm!! This one ended up in my playlist and often ends up being listened to when I play World of Warcraft. Thank you so much for the awesome music you keep bringing to us ^^

  6. Gods, I wish I could make a screenshot from 4.38 without any icons in it and letters. I would put it on my laptop instantly lol. I know I already posted but this song keeps making me come back lol

  7. I just remembered this song, and I feel like it describes me trying to make a choice between start playing wow again, because of tbc and in generell, oR If i just shouldnt. I am trying to make a choice xD


    I use to not really care about sylvanas, she was just a character in the game I never played but watched my parents play all the time (I thought she looked cool that about it)
    when I started playing I didn't really have a "side". i just play blood elves and humans cause ya know why not, I never made it out of the starting zone cause I was young.
    Once I got older I was more in the lore and just did lots research on the people in the game.
    then Legion happened.
    I was very much a fan of Varian, when he died I admit I blamed it on Sylvanas cause she left…granted I didn't know the horde was also losing.
    even though I knew it was the warcheifs call to leave i still blamed her, didn't know why I just did.
    I then decided to be full alliance, never to play horde cause she was the warcheif, I wanted NOTHING to do with her.
    I argued that Anduin was only a child, he has no idea how to be a king, cause he didn't have his father to teach him.
    then when she pulled the shit she's done.
    calling horde nothing/killing saurfang
    almost killing Bain and the thing with Jaina's brother.
    BREAKING THE LICH KING HELM and working with the jailor.
    kidnapping anduin and turning him.
    just to be set "free" by the jailor.
    this is where I turned my opinion, when we got the cinematic of her not being in control. her being lost and realizing the Arthas really did destroy her.
    That she can make a come back
    this song made me see just how sad she is. she had no option in her fate and she took that out on every one until she got that free will back.
    I really hope she gets that redemption and they can save anduin before its to late. Cause I would hate to see what that will do to jaina..I mean think about it
    She watched the love of her life fall to the dark path Anduin was put on..
    she lost Varian her best friend and now risks losing that mans son…to the same thing that got the LOVE OF HER LIFE killed. imagine how that will play out…
    but yea that's my lil thing on wow lmao. hope she has that redemption and honestly I hope anduin lives but steps down from the throne…cause idk if he would be able to rule again.


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