RESTO SHAMAN in Shadowlands! | Final Recap pre-Shadowlands Launch | High End Raiding & M+

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This is a final recap video updating from my last video. If you haven’t seen that video be sure to go check it out to get more in-depth information, but this will have the most updated information.

I am a healer in [Fused]-Illidan, Resto Shaman main. If you want to see more information on my character/logs go to my twitch channel and there should be panels that can link you appropriately.

*btw sorry about the claps in the intro 🙁 lol*

If you have questions or want to discuss more on Resto Shamans leave a comment! My UI has changed from my last video, sorry 🙁

Check out the stream, we will be streaming everyday. If you want more in-depth information and to just ask me questions live, drop by and don’t forget to follow!

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00:00 Intro
1:03 Soulbind/Conduits
5:33 Talents
7:17 Shaman raiding thoughts
9:36 Shaman M+ Thoughts
11:00 Ancestral Guidance site
14:00 My Cov/Legendaries
16:10 Final thoughts

Thank you for watching! If you enjoyed the video and would like to see more WoW healer content, be sure to help the channel grow please Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe!

Thank you for the support!


9 thoughts on “RESTO SHAMAN in Shadowlands! | Final Recap pre-Shadowlands Launch | High End Raiding & M+”

  1. hey mate…was waiting for this. Raid will be my focus and then i d like to play arena…i think i will go necro and make it work. Thanks for your work. Im looking forward to see your next videos 🙂


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