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00:00 Afterlives
02:19 My Terrible Morning (Venthyr)
04:35 Let Go (Kyrian)
08:20 For Queen And Grove (Night Fae)
11:42 Rallying Cry (Necrolords)
14:14 The Ember Court (Venthyr)
17:33 Nikolon (Kyrian)
21:09 The Forest Will Sing Your Name (Night Fae)
24:01 Blood From A Bone (Necrolords)
This video supports Global Fund for Women, a diverse team of dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to fund and strengthen bold, ambitious gender justice movements.
If you haven’t seen my community post yet, please do give it a quick read to understand my stance on everything that has been going on, thank you x
Afterlives was mixed & mastered by Frank de Jong of
I am a passionate singer, songwriter and content creator here on YT. Each of my videos provide significant creative value in the form of my singing, composing or entertainment via vlogging. Many hours go into my videos and none of my content is reused. I will always put 100% into creatively adapting any footage, cover or parody to allow my creative value to show.
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#worldofwarcraft #shadowsong #shadowlands
wonderful dear hugs "afterlives"
my terible morning haunting good job
let go y fav so far real nice
why don't i have sub here? legit watching you for years…. Nice job as always <3 and i mean it.
for queen and grove dang went on a trip with this one enchanting
rallying cry nice voice range undecided on song lol but well sung
ok the ember court was fun 🙂
nikolon ok one of my faves oddly promote a feeling of hope
the forest will sing your name classic Sharm woot
Blood from a Bone* very Celtic born loved it
Magical 😍
you are almost at that 100k mark sweet Sharm, been with you since the start. Can't wait for you to hit that milestone.
Much love Sharm and keep it up. It's hard to continue this after the recent news, but I'm glad you found the proper outlet to do this properly. Love the fundraising!
I love this album. Your range is excellent. As is your vocal flexibility.
"Let Go" suits your voice so well — that's really lovely
Yay! Beautiful and great job!
Your voice is like dreams of gentle breezes across fields of tall grass bending to the winds
All were awesome! My favorite was My Terrible Morning. What was yours?
This is lovely! Such a variety of styles, too. I will throw money after paycheque.
So powerful, so progressive, you go girlfriend!
Who can dislike this, this is beautiful
You are fighting the good fight
Woiaah, so goood, can't stop listening to The Ember Court! Awesome album!
Your music iis amazing, and shows how much potential the game had if it was done right.
The fact u put these all together and as an album is awesome and beautiful, especially the picture.
U did great Sharm, and never fail to do so.
What a wonderful release! Even for someone like me, who's never played WoW, each song pulls me into another world. Thank you! I love that you're using your platform to help the healing, one step at a time. Your voice is enchanting as always, and the soundscaping on some of the tracks is fantastic! Much love and light 💚
Glad to see Sharm still slaying vocals.
🤩I’m speechless🥰
Every single one of them is sooo amazing! But if I had to choose my favourite it would be Blood from the bone. Kind of gives off a little bit Vikings vibe😂😂😂Beautiful work!
Sharm, your voice is so relaxing! Absolutely Amazing!
My beautiful Sharm, I missed you already.
so much love to u sharm i love ur music <3 <3
It IS you!. I still love the "Epic Flying Mount Song" from back in the day. My 2 roommates and I had to quit WoW years ago when we were fighting eviction about the same time I got laid-off. I miss it, but am glad you are still making sweet sounds!. Ever think about a reboot of the "Mount" song?.
easy listening, worthy cause.. a little good goes a long way
Is it just me or The first part reminds me of invincible aaaaa
I absolutely love your voice and the fact that not only the lyrics, but the kind of music tells us which shadowland the song is about 🥰
Your voice is so sweet, and calm…
Seriously… you are a hidden Gem! Love you girl! Please never stop what you are doing and never smoke or ruin that God given voice. It is mesmerizing. I am crushing on you hard! <3
second best thing that expac had
This is so awesome Sharm, it thrills me with goosebumps, in new greek we have a saying „her/his voice is stroking/caress my ears“ and that’s absolutely applicable to your voice and the interpretation of those songs here, thank you for this….