Should You Play Shadowlands? How It's Going After One Year

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We mark one year since the launch of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. This video is targeted to those who haven’t played it at all since launch and might be wondering if now’s a good time to jump into the Warcraft afterlife!

Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday

0:00 Intro
10:24 I skipped to the end but gave a like

World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!

#warcraft #shadowlands


30 thoughts on “Should You Play Shadowlands? How It's Going After One Year”

  1. No, three accounts are no longer paying the sub fee. Me and my kids have moved on. I credit those willing to stick it out but don’t shit on those that have left. It’s just too much to deal with and just not worth spending time and money when you don’t see a future at this point.

  2. The first few months of SL I thought were one of the best expansion openers; I really enjoyed the concept and story, the way it was presented and gated was okay, and still fun. But the presumably covid induced delays and foot dragigng has sucked, and the whole model of daily quests and grind that all MMOs subscribe to, is still crud.

  3. I like the fact the covenants switches are seamless now. One of my gripes about BFA was, if I needed my money’s worth from the box price, I had to have one horde toon and one alliance toon to see all the content shipped with the box. When they announced the covenant system in the shadowlands I couldn’t believe they expected me to run 4 toons to see all the content shipped with the box price. But with the 9.1.5 updates I’m glad I don’t need to to do that.

  4. I stopped playing/paying 10 months ago. Currently I play a game i bought for about $3 on steam, which will probably take me at least 50 more hours until I have enough of it.
    I would rather check out that project-ascention private server, than to go back to current WoW. Project ascentions seems to deliver a way more unique experience for me. And since I care way more about the social experience & leveling, than about the endgame & collecting part of the game, private servers seem to be the better alternative for me.
    I have no problem waiting 1-2 years to see in what direction Blizzard will lead WoW from here on, or if they just keep going the way they are going. I care about the experience, not the grind, not the collection, not the carrot. So I don't feel pressured to go back.

  5. Currently, i have seven maxed lvl characters across all 4 covenants in SL. From my experience, SL xpac really punishes Altoholics with like me with its Renown System. Its time-consuming not just to lvl up a character, but gearing them to pass ilvl 210+ takes a lot of time because they are gated by Renown lvl. For a super casual like me, with limited time to play, i have gave up trying to max them out this early in 9.1.5. Hopefully 9.2 will fair better so i can play all my characters and gearing them up.

  6. With regards to the gameplay only, I'm not really sure there is much to complain about. Outside of Raiding and PVP the game is repetitive world quest grinding and suchlike-but it always has been. The 9.1.5 changes help a lot with that. If you don't like grindy gameplay fine this isn't for you, but I wonder how people suddenly are coming to that conclusion after 17 years when wow was never anything else.

  7. I still play – I play it more then BFA so that says something lol…… BFA I couldn't care to bother with alts at all. Shadowlands I at least care to level/play alts a little – alts the only thing keeping me logging in at this point

  8. I like how you claim there are no painful grinds before proceeding to list all the grinds you have to go through to access the endgame. LMAO. Just because things are better than they used to be, it doesn't mean they're actually good. All the systems that make Shadowlands annoying are still there. They just matter less now, but you still have to deal with all of them. So, for me that's a hard pass. We'll see how much they've changed once 10.0 comes around, but for now I can't bring myself to play this game, much less recommend it to anybody.

  9. I started a month ago and I regret it. It’s impossible to catch up and be competitive. I’m a pvp guy and since pvp gear is gated behind covenant leveling sucks. But then you got Joe this and torghast etc etc. there’s way too much to do in order to not be one shotted. Even with 35k ho and a 40% hp necro shield and 220 pvp gear I can’t stay alive for three seconds.
    Been a big waste of time.

  10. So basically , It looks to me, that, it's really important to choose one race/class + covenant and stick to it, especially if I buy version with lvl 50 boost..and only basic knowledge after WOTLK… noooo pressure @_@

  11. Heh…I wouldn't recommend playing it right now, no matter if you're coming back or just starting. And no, I'm not saying that for those reasons. 9.1.5 has definitely made things much, much more tolerable, but it also didn't add any new content. There's also a sense that 9.2's progression – and likely story – will be time-gated, and I'm not just talking about the raid (which I actually am fine with if they utilize it well…"if"). Certainly to anyone reading this, do what you want, but if you're wondering what's going to respect your time and money the most, I'd say wait until 9.2 – or even after if it's looking like time gating is going to be big in that patch too. There's usually a wait for the better part of a year between last patches and new xpacs anyway.

  12. Well since it's on sale for 50% off right now I would say 'no'. 😆. (I still think I deserve a partial refund for the 6 month sub I bought when it launched.) I would say wait until 10.2 (or 10.3) and then buy it when it's 50% off! Then you'll have two expansions to play through! 🤗 And the second one might actually be good! 🤷‍♂️

  13. You buy Shadowlands NOW and you're probably going to waste the majority of a 6 months sub before the next patch comes out. 😇 Or just wait for the legendary vendor to be added to the game so you don't have to work for them at all. 😉

  14. How low does their subscriber base have to be before they give serious thought into making WoW free to play? In one respect you could say the subscription fee is keeping potential customers from buying things from the store! 😱

  15. The raids and gameplay are always good, but the story is a complete mess. Between all the books you have to buy during the expansion, just to get all the story available during the expansion, and really poor writing, I decided to take a break. I will be back after the systems^3 go away, the story get's cleaned up, and the company culture undergoes dramatic change.

  16. seems longer than a year…I'll hang around thur the mage tower next month then out for probably till maybe next xpac but this one has sure done more harm than good to the player base…

  17. been playing since Day 1 and my answer to the title is "YES", NOW is the time to play if you been in waiting for Shadowlands to get good, if you been waiting for Blizzard to change then also it is time to come back, as we are on the literal cusp of change.

    Blizzard are in Panic Mode 2.0, they are in a constant state of having meetings, discussing how to fix the game, not just for 9.2 but for WoW in general! also they are taking feedback and acting quickly upon it, as they are in progress of changing the Warlock tier set because feedback was saying that it looked like a certain "Klan" outfit, specifically the hood.

    now i know i'm about to be bombarded with "Shill Out" "Blizzard Staff Detected" and "Copium" comments, and to those people i say "screw you, you cant get me down because the game is gonna start getting better from here on out."

    so i'm happy AF right now, as you may be able to tell, happy anniversary y'all and i hope you're having fun, cause i sure as hell am.


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