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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvP Shadowlands Guide:
Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
0:00 Intro
1:19 Death Knight
5:45 Druid
8:06 Hunter
10:17 Mage
12:18 Monk
13:02 Paladin
14:06 Priest
14:57 Shaman
16:41 Warlock
Frostmage is plain boring. I loved playing glacial ice during BFA and now only this lame icelance build is viable …
Same for holy paladin… What if I don't want to be fighting and in melee range. What if I like to actually cast and use my martyr and stuff
I’d love to see H pallies Light of Dawn be a true AOE 360 heal with a 40 yard range. It’s useless as it is and has been for years a least in pvp
I’ve been saying they should make glacial advance baselined, they did it for epidemic in unholy, like why not do the same?
Yeah let's make classes with a high skill floor easy so there's no skill gap.
Make survival hunters mastery work with their dot damage! It would make mastery actually useful
Make survival hunters mastery work with their dot damage! It would make mastery actually useful
Any idea for a new hero class and specs guys??
euthanize retardin, WW monk, convoke druid and encha shaman players
how do you put the covenant sigil in details?
I would love Blizzard (or whoever makes decissions for WoW) to make enha shamy great again; or at least to make it a real melee spec/class. With lightng bolt and chain lighting within the base rotation it feels like a downgraded elemental shaman or an elemental shamy that couldn't make it. I mean half the fucking rotation is elemental! WTF Blizzard!
Where is rogue? xD
Just Make drgon Punch Baseline and add Another talent this Shit Has Been Like this Since Legion
Remove outlaws RTB and Slice and Dice Make It acutally A Usefull DPS
Sub Is About this
shuriken Storm Black Powder Kind Like Spin crane Kick
No Differnet Build Only the Same Talent state and Rotation.
Change Frost dk s Talent all Of them Are Useless Even Breath of Cindergosa
Pepole want new Stuff
New Things To discover
New Builds
New Stats
If These "Devs" Think It is Enough We Already Know what will Happen To wow
P.S: I have played All melee Spec So Don't bother Complain About sayin You Are trash
They should either revert survival to their old pre legion dot based ranged, or make it so they can dualwield