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Learn how to play Small World of Warcraft!
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Read more about World of Warcraft ➜
Learn how to play Small World of Warcraft!
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A little question about the Tauren race you can pick. It states that the tauren can't occupy nor conquer a region with less then 2 race tokens. does that mean that the "Tauren" can't conquer a region with only 1 race token but always 2 or does it mean that they can't conquer a region that has only 1 enemy race token?
Nice video! 🙂 A question.. If U take a legendary hammer, U can invade in another island? with hability of hammer? or u should invade around of ur tokens?
At subsequent rounds: can you go from any place of a game board to another game board and start from an entry point? Or do you need to go from a harbour to another harbour if going from game board to game board
Nice! Just got my copy and as a new player to Small World this is very helpful! Thanks
A question about the legendary artefacts and places, how to you use them within the game? Thanks
Hire Becca Scott next time.
Thats a beautiful table
You did not explain how to invade another region. Since it is very different than the original game, I think it should be shown how it is done.
I have a question, if i decline..and then the opponent want to attack my decline region does it need extra race token to attack?
I swear, no one can explain this game well enough!
You don't have to pay one extra token for conquering a region with an item? lets say ; a region (2 tokens) and murlocs (1 token). if there is an artifact/legendary place do you need 1 extra token or not?
I've watched this 3 times now and I still have no idea how the game works!
you have to study a master degree to play this game
Love WoW but
I’ll stick to 40K
Great video, but I’ve no idea what the game is about
We bought this game and it's still 99% packed because no one gets either what the game is about nor how it works. Very disappointing.
Hallo Daniel 🎉