So I decided to make my FIRST alt in World of Warcraft

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I make my 2nd character ever in WoW. #wow #worldofwarcraft #shaman #newplayer #gaming


29 thoughts on “So I decided to make my FIRST alt in World of Warcraft”

  1. Next time on Fayyd, go to the bank and buy the Warband bank (since you now have a warband). There you can deposit gold your alts can withdraw easily. While you gear the warrior keep an eye out for warband bound items and store them in the bank. anything that you put in the warband bank on one toon you can withdraw on another.

    I suggest buying 4 cheap bags for your alt right away. 30 slotters are pretty inexpensive on the AH usually.

    Then go to the start menu and in to edit mode, you can use the same bar layout that Your main has, even if the buttons aren't filled up yet.

    I understand the urge to level and explore new alts. I have WAY too many because of that itch.

  2. Happy alting, Zouty! Enjoy your new space goat shaman. 🙂 When I was new to the game, I used to forget how to pronounce draenei, too. What helped me was remembering that the first syllable is pronounced the same as the first syllable of "dragon" and the second half is like the "nye" in Bill Nye the Science Guy, lol.

  3. Zouty! they just announced fresh realms for classic wow if you are interested in that, it would be fun to jump into a fresh server where everyone else is low level as well. it would be interesting for you to experience 2004 era wow. its a great way to get into a lore, there is even an addon that implements full voice acted NPCs so you don't need to sit and read all the quests or loud for us if i remember correctly. classic wow is all about soaking up the ambiance, exploring the lore and the world. there is a lot less "Content" and a lot more just focus on exploring, chatting with people and seeing new things.

    retail wow really is made for people who have been gaming for 30 years so there's a lot of complex systems that can trip up newbies, and the level scaling is pretty weird since they want to force you into TWW as fast as possible. in classic there's a lot less endgame content, its all about enjoying the leveling journey.

  4. Hello big fan! I've been maining a shaman for almost 20 years so its awesome to see you pick them! For DPS you can either do a ranged caster or a melee. I've always been an Enhancement shaman player I highly recommend you check that spec out especially since you've played warrior. One other thing about shaman is they have amazing utility and movement speed options. You have a tool for almost any situation and can get around better than any class thanks to Ghost Wolf and other movement speed spells. Have a fun time!!!

  5. Nice! I love my Draenei shaman. This took me back to starting that character all the way back on the first day of release of the Burning Crusade expansion in 2006. Still one of my fave characters to play right now. I think enhancement is a good choice for you. Still uses quite a lot of melee but enhanced by magic. Don’t forget to put your Flametongue weapon imbue on before you go into combat. It’s an hour long buff.

  6. Dont forget to add your extra bars, also i think its bars 6 and 7 maybe? they will pop up on the right side horizontal, put your mounts, food, professions over there so it frees up your main bars. also when you hit level 10 and if youre fully geared and trinkets Que up for PvP to start practicing then you can do PVP on your main

  7. BTW you might want to switch on "action targeting" in the gameplay options.
    that way you char will automatically target enemies that are in front of you as soon as you start casting a spell or use an ability

  8. So happy when you chose to level through Ammen Vale, Much nostalgia!
    edit – not really side quests until later expansions, do them all!
    edit 2 – I think flame shock is a damage over time, so it does a bit and then a bit more a few seconds later etc.

  9. Have you ever seen the Warcraft movie. In Europe its on Netflix. Back in the day i saw this in the theatre and was crying all the time. To see the world (of Warcraft) in "real life was amazing. The magic in the film is astonishing!! 😊

  10. Blizzard will launch new fresh classic servers on november 21st. If you want to experience a complete different version of WoW more social and slow paced it's a perfect opportunity.

  11. Just out of curiosity I checked my restore character tab to see how many alts I've deleted. It's at 30. I've been playing for 20 years so that number is way higher but they're like… gone, gone. 😂

  12. Little disappointed you didn't pick a Horde race to at least see that side of the content. However there are advantages to keeping with one faction, but it is easier to have alts with the warband system in different factions.

  13. Glad to see the start of your alt army. NOW remember to do the pet battle quests while you level up!
    Enhancement Shamans wear mail agility gear. Intellect on mail is for your other 2 specs.


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