So I Logged On To WoW Today..

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Season of discovering I’m the lowest level in my entire guild..
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23 thoughts on “So I Logged On To WoW Today..”

  1. People wouldnt ask for parses for inviting someone to a raid if there werent a bunch of people pugging and refusing to learn how to play their class, to look up mechanics in raids or to stand afk for 10 min in IF or Ogrimmar for a free buff because its elitist.

  2. That's one reason why ff14 is a much better experience. No dependance on add-ons. Do people log in ff14? Sure. But every type of player enjoys ff14. Casual. Hardcore. RP. Money market guys. Who enjoys retail wow? A few hardcore players that spend $$$? It's a trash mmo.

  3. Asmon is 100% right paraing needs to be removed. Its not jst parsing, though; players will use any metric they have to try to optimize their raid/group to the .01%.

    Before parsing, people gatekept the game via achievements like aotc, and before that, it all started with gearscore. I remember leaving my raid guild after naxx in original wrath, then coming back during ToC. I couldnt get into a single group for anything because my gearscore had fallen behind current raid content. Couldnt even get into heroics to get my gear up. People will stop inviting you to content you have the appropriate gear for because they wamt people that are over-geared and dont actually need that content anymore.

    I complained then that gearscore would ruin the game, but i was ridiculed for that opinion. Then blizzard adopted gs officially as ilvl (which is still being used to deny people entry into raids and mythic btw — it's also led to the homogenization of gear into just 13 stat sticks instead of unique memorable items).

    Now the same problem is just escalated out of control with modern addons and parsing, and people finally see what ive been saying all this time.

    The only fix is to remove all tools that quantify a player's "power level" up front to force people to give other players a chance. If you invite someone, and theyre so bad you can clearly id them as the reason youre not clearing content, then so be it; they get kicked. But players arent even getting the chance to play and prove themselves unless they have a friend to advocate for them in an existing group or carry them through content.

  4. Addons are a huge vehicle for blizzard devs to not worry about developing qol because they're so use to the community doing it for them. The only way I can see it changing is if wow is brought to consoles and it's impossible for the devs to have this mindset.

  5. Agree entirely. I came back from last time i played being Cata and when I jumped into Classic I had SO much fun. Once I got to raiding it absolutely wrecked my experience with addons and I uninstalled. API killing would shutter so many fan and data websites, but in game, it is so awful.

  6. Why don't they just make a blizzard dps meter and that's it? nothing out of game to link you character to dps. Just in the moment damage meters to see group numbers.

  7. Worst take and existence. Parsing is what keeps elites in the game and competing at a high-level and believe it or not as much as you want to hate the neck beards in the sweats, they are with drives popularity because they become the carrot on the stick. A game dies fast when it’s only casuals. yes you need casuals to drive the game, but they stay committed because there is an elite level.

    What hurts things more than anything is being able to get cool stuff without playing the game because the attraction of wanted to look cool and flaunt that you achieved something is sort of gone even though not really because people recognize what is actually bought

  8. People saying you can't get into raids are crybabies. I make alts with full green gear and I get in a group within 5min of logging in and I am raiding within 15-30min everytime. I have a hunter, rogue, mage and druid. And I've done both BFD and Gnomer pugging all my runs.


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