So I Tried Mists of Pandaria Remix..

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40 thoughts on “So I Tried Mists of Pandaria Remix..”

  1. Retail has a lot of great things going for it, they just need to make some big tweaks while they have the attention of the vast player base here. For example, I got outran by a DK today, and I play Monk.

  2. I think its interesting, i'm glad its not a mop classic because then it means they won't do mop, but I think this also serves to gauge interest in mop classic after cata classic. I'm pretty much done with classic current stuff unless they start making improvements to cata, mop, etc and I'll just to stick to seasons. I think it may serve as a better version of chromie time leveling. Leveling in retail is so terrible, it actually pisses me off thinking of what a bad state and jumbled mess it became and there's no easy way to fix it with world scaling and all that This is a way to set the slate clean so people can level in one of these remixes, "experience" a full expansion in a remixed setting, and then move to current content. I don't even like retail, but I also like this idea because it's somewhat like a retail fresh server in a way. I've been wanting to see a fresh retail server to cater to classic players, no account wide collection stuff, no transmog, no cross realm play, no cross realm AH, maybe no RDF, maybe no level scaling, and would be cool if raids only had one difficulty and some were made as 40, some as 20, some as 10, and anything else really non classic. How would you make a retail expansion feel like a vanilla wow game basically. Either way, just a pure isolated fresh server and see how people enjoy the game without the non classic stuff in it. Keep all the items, achievements, etc, etc but some big changes in design from classic trilogy to retail is xmog and cross realm, plus the massive amount of stuff other players have.

  3. Lmao the people that actually want mop talents instead of df talents are insane. This is honestly one of the best things that has ever happened in wow, especially in recent years. I legit hope they do this with all expansions. This could literally take a shit expansion like WoD or BfA and actually make it into a fun experience for the people that missed it + give u a lot of collectibles + give you max level characters you can play on after the event with actual good gear. Then imagine they do it for a god tier expansion like Legion. I am literally praying they make this for legion. It is also awesome theres no AH involved everything is just contained in the MOP timeline.

  4. You're used to boss fights taking longer in classic? Uhh are we playing different classics, bosses in classic are a joke with how easy they are. People agreeing in chat must be 90+ years old and blind

  5. This event isnt supposed to be a long-form version of wow. If you take it from the perspective of giving certain players the following opportunities:

    1. A chance to quickly experience the story of MoP first hand without the long form farming pains
    2. A chance to farm cosmetics that you cant get
    3. A different way to level an alt instead of the same way all the time.

    it seems like a great mode option.

  6. This sucks on so many levels its insane lol MoP has some of the most un fun leveling and its not even MoP, its dragonflight. It would be at least some what neat if they put in old talents or something. Or MoP only abilities. This is just chromie time for MoP. Gross lol
    I need a bucket and a mop for this wet ass dog shit of an idea from Blizzard.

  7. Stormforge's Mistblade server (s2) is 2000+ strong and just released Throne of Thunder – which I raid four times a week.

    This isn't MoP – it's Dragonflight. For authentic MoP just join Mistblade.


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