There's A LOT Happening With Season Of Discovery Right Now.

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Season of Discovery has had a lot going on the last week! the new XP is in effect, cataclysm beta is now live, the damage scaling on classes is getting really strong, major DPS healer and tank log changes, the story of season of Discovery so far and so much more. we have a lot to talk about in today’s episode and it’s a very long one so make sure you get something to eat and drink cuz this is a jam-packed episode. sorry about the slow content lately have been dealing with a lot of IRL stuff and I really do apologize, so much content coming this week I hope you guys are excited!

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00:00 – Support The Channel!
00:37 – Cataclysm In Beta (Meh?)
02:14 – SoDs Future Needs MORE!
02:45 – Are We Scaling Too Hard?!
04:28 – The New XP Buff Is Fantastic.
05:20 – Arathi Basin Rewards Change
06:05 – All DPS Rankings!
11:08 – All Healer Rankings!
11:32 – All Tank Rankings!
17:35 – Sod Desperately Needs This
19:00 – I Think We Have A Story Here.
21:11 – YOUR Top Comments!
25:00 – We Got Affiliate On Twitch!


31 thoughts on “There's A LOT Happening With Season Of Discovery Right Now.”

  1. Good video but you're way off about prot paladin. "Deal really good damage and have incredible runes that give a lot of damage mitigation" – We have one rune that gives a 10% chance to give 30% extra block chance (block takes about 45 damage off of a melee hit) for 5 hits. Doesn't stack with the talent that does almost the exact same thing. Sacred shield is a healer rune and divine sacrifice isn't used by any spec (it's a suicide button). Even if Aegis was worth using, it's sams slot as Seal of Martyrdom, which is the only reason paladin tanks are doing even middling damage as a tank. You think that paladins can do good damage and be tanky, but those things are mutually exclusive right now. You can choose a spec and runes to do good damage and be squishy, or you can choose a spec and runes that do shit damage while being slightly tankier.

  2. SOD has lost its way and became retail in the classic world, we didnt need runes or new moves, they should of focused on the talent trees to make specs viable, and added more content to classic to keep it fun and interesting…/majorfail

  3. You mentioned the Warcraft sub being pretty good bang for buck right now, but it's like an all you can eat buffet that only serves chicken dinners. Yes I like chicken and there's lots of ways to enjoy it but chicken everyday is getting kinda old. Tinker here.. fiddle there .. some sauce to change the flavor, but it's still the same old chicken. Retail is a flavor change but still …chicken…Someone please recommend a game that isn't a 20 year old rehash.

  4. but why nobody talks about frost mages? rogues were super high last phase at least while frost mages are at the bottom since the SOD launched. i would like to paly frost like in the real vanilla

  5. I don't care about Cataclysm. I probably won't even play it.

    SOD is changing the game way too much. Too much is being added, it's just a ridiculous game and it isn't classic. I want a fresh classic experience tbh.

  6. I like what their doing with the Arathi Basin rewards but why not release the tabard for exalted? so die hard pvpers have a COSMETIC reward to work toward, the new BG is dead, and everyones going to be doing AV when it's normally available.

  7. Thoughts about giving Skinning/Herbalism/Mining a soulbound item (item requires 225 of a proffesion too to use for instance too) that drops rarely from their respective gathers that perhaps gives a small buff like +1% crit or +10 (stacking) stamina, or maybe a consumable like whipper tuber root.
    Honestly anything at all to make people want to actually use fun proffesion combos that make sense

  8. I believe Cataclysm was when Activision got involved, put every dungeon on EZ mode mass aoe pulling, killed community, wrecked talents …. just wasn't the same game anymore. It was a fine story….but changed the face of the game.

  9. Giving classes burst damage of level 60 at level 40 is the worst thing for PvP. Even in BGs you get destroyed in seconds. PvP event works for casters far better as they get from 15 to 30 silver per single event. A melee group gets up to 7. Logs are destroying the PvE as it getting harder to find group for Gnomer if you have a new char.

  10. it's hard, the new runes should perhaps be more QoL so our power creep isn't as high next ph…. but we all know everyone is gonna want big shiny new moves for every rune otherwise they'll think it's a flop

  11. Imo you can’t nerf enhancement because like you said some of these classes hit so hard and as a tank I need to be doing some decent damage to keep threat. When I have to put a shield on threat becomes an issue for sure! Idk do you guys feel the same way?


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