So I Tried The Cataclysm Beta!

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36 thoughts on “So I Tried The Cataclysm Beta!”

  1. I also told myself back in classic vanilla, i would only play up to wotlk… BUT … cata is just like wotlk, but harder dungeons and more refined classes.. So Iยดm all for Cata once again <3

  2. I think the Cata world would actually be fun if they made some of the new quests actually harder to solo.
    They did a good job adding plots to the old zones (apart from some being too pop culture based like redridge) but then they just made the combat brain dead and chance of death near zero.

  3. Quitting after only a month (in original Cata) is unfair, honestly. I am not the biggest Cata fan, I also didn't play till the end of expansion – but at least it is worth spending a bit more time. Both endgame content at first two tiers, and the reworked original locations are very enjoyable experience.

    I unironically made several characters just to finish all the quests in all reworked locations, without intention to like play those characters any further. The new questing experience is that good.

    Ashara, Stonetalon, Plaguelands, Blasted Lands – are the most memorable. Even by today's standards they are great – I would prefer to quest with those, than half of the more recent expansion's locations, like Townlong Steppes, Highmountain, Valshara etc.

  4. 7:18

    Ohhhh yeaaaah, I remember now – in Cata they buffed the droprate for small pouches from the mobs that you kill at lvl 1 in all starting zones. Until you loot 4 of them, I believe, they have hightened droprates. It was done to fix that thing when people farm lvl 1 mobs non-stop only to loot goddamn pouch from the start (see Captain Grim's "Classic Hardcore in a Nutshell").

  5. If you enjoy WotLK, Cata is much better, with the exception of having 1 fewer raid tiers and LFR is not a proper equivalent of 10 Man Normal Raid difficulty in WotLK. Everything else is much better.

  6. Tell me you didn't play The Burning Crusade or Wrath of the Lich King, without telling me you didn't play them! Horde got to play Paladins and Alliance was able to play Shamans back in The Burning Crusade. It didn't just happen in Cataclysm.

  7. There is no walkable way into Twilight Highlands from other zones. You enter it on lvl 84 via introductory questchain. Or if you are 85 and you fly into it (though you still need questchain to see the main faction's base and its NPCs there)

  8. Guild perks give noticeable bonuses – but they are relatively hard to obtain. Many of them require guild achievements done (i.e. +10% Justice Points require glory of cataclysm dungeons done in a 5-guildmates party, I believe). And guild achievements always require a guild-wide group to be done, and sometimes have high numbers on them (i.e. "finish five thousand Cataclysm heroic dungeons in a guild group" or smth like that, i.e. the required number of repetitions of activities is exponentially higher than in regular character achievements) so for most guilds that are not organized for actual endgame activities, they will not be obtainable for a long time.

    Only several of them will be commonplace – hearthstone, exp bonus, extra money that goes to GB (it's not taking 5%, it is generating extra 5% that goes directly to guild bank – and most of the time this surplus goes back into the repairs of guildies, depending on the guild role settings of course)

  9. I just now realized that you were flying and exploring the same locations you can just view now in Retail WoW ๐Ÿ˜€ Maybe BFA messed up some zones like Undercity or Teldrassil, but other zones are prettty much the same as they were since Cata rework. Lmao.

  10. If you level in Silverpine forest (10-20 for Horde) – quests will lead you into Guilneas, just for a little bit. Maybe a dozen or so quests will be inside the Guilneas walls, but that's it.
    The quests are generic for any race – but you kinda need to start from the very beginning of the zone, and its first quests. Then it will eventually lead you into these areas via questchains. Start is at the top of Silverpine, just around the corner of the Undercity's upper ruins. There will be Sylvanas herself on a horse, on a posh cliff – you won't miss :DD

    Worgen introduction sees different Guilneas, that is not yet ruined – with Wall intact, and no extra water. And when they finish introduction, you cannot access this "old" version of Guilneas anymore.

  11. Garrosh btw is the worst thing that happened for Horde.

    He gained his high regard from Thrall trough plain old nepotism (he is son of Grom). He did literally nothing himself before being appointed commander of KorKron.

    He disrespected everyone he interacted with – from other faction leaders, to old respectable orcs like Saurfang. In Borean Tundra he constantly argues with our boy chadfang. Garrosh is arrogance incarnate.

    He always talks about what Horde should or should not be – while he himself never saw how the Horde CAME to be. He never was in the Horde during First or Second war. He never participated in battles, he never witnessed the harm of demon blood, and the consequences of defeat in internment camps. He also never participated in Third war that defended Azeroth from Legion.

    He was left on Draenor with weak and ill orcs, because he was not even properly fit to be a warrior when the portal opened. Only eventually he somehow survived and Thrall found him in Nagrand, and took him in an act of good will and to honor Grommmash.
    He came out of nowhere, from the point of view of any Horde member. But like a spoiled golden child, started preaching and teaching everyone around how to be "proper Horde".
    He pisses me off so f ing much, as does every single idiot who reiterated that he did nothing wrong. He literally threw a piece of Old God into the Valley of Eternal Blossom, and almost poisoned one of main titan facilities on Azeroth! He is no better than Azshara in his aid to the cause of Old Gods, god damn it.

    So my respects to VolJin who saw this piece of crap as it is, and called him out as soon as in the beginning of Cataclysm.

  12. 22:30

    No, its just that the quests are INTERACTIVE now ๐Ÿ˜€ They can have some cutscenes, voice lines, cinematics! Characters move around via scripting!
    Classic andies are in shambles

  13. Thermoplugg was peanut butter and jelly of Mekkatorque for being in a position of power so he said he was researching how to turn Troggs into Gnomes but instead he made the gas that turns Gnomes into Leper Gnomes and released it all over Gnomeregon it hopes that it would make him an army of Leper Gnome slaves. Fortunately he miscalculated the formula for the antidote and ended up going crazy him self before being killed by adventures at the bottom of the city.


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