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MDI Group B concluded this weekend and Perplexed brought some world class strategies to secure victory ahead of the Global Finals. They set the record for the fastest run in MDI 2024, and the fastest Atal’Dazar of all time. Watch @Naguura break down their run which was completed in just 6 pulls for the whole dungeon!
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#WorldofWarcraft #Dragonflight #MDI
Well we know what the pug meta will be now haha
genuinely terrifying to see so many mobs pulled, incredible play from everyone this MDI.
Does anyone care about this?
Don't forget guys: This is expected in the average M+ run. Asmongold told me so!
40? 100
круто было!
This is amazing omg.
Don't care much about NMD but Naagura voice over makes the video watchable.
And then there is me 😂 dying on the boss pulled alone 😂
Didn't Legendary do this dungeon in 4 pulls?
The Classic Andy brain cannot comprehend this.
This is ridiculous 😱😳 absolutely mindblowing
Why are they allowing this quitter who bashed the game to represent it? Do better Blizz…
Nice thumbnail
First pull is so scary
Awesome run!
Retail in nutshell: blindly AOEing everything every time. This clip shows how seriously flawed mythic dungeons are. Many initial design concepts that were established during MoP challenge mode and Legions first mythicswere completely undermined.
So this is what peak gameplay looks like. Pretty dang impressive.
That Druid is insane!!!!
Choose your side Alliance or Horde
Great, now people are going to try to be doing this in +3's and raging when we wipe
Wow alot of skill to beat NPCS 😂😂😂
Great choice of background music. My absolute favorite raiding music!
The feels! The feels!
Zandalar Forever!
tankselfhealing is killing this MMO "Role" PG
Now every pug on the planet is going to try this (and perhaps fail spectacularly)
Rextroy says hold my 🍺 😂pulls the whole dung 1 man pally gang
tyvm lol.. so terrified to see how this game is played now lol…