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Asmongold & Mcconnell try WoW Classic: Season of Discovery Raid, Blackfathom Deeps for the first time.
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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The loot makes me not wanna bother
Kelris is such an asshole.
Trying to take him down with a pug group is basically impossible due to how his last phase mechanic works, you need too much coordination for a group of randoms to reasonably pull off.
Though you can brute force it if everyone has good gear and consumes, even then it's a coin toss.
Prob just gonna go ele this time fuck enh
When they are about to start the second to last boss and I realize there's still 90 minutes left of the video
as mongol d
Like seeing Asmon not losing it and just enjoying raids again
bow is insane
dragonflight confirmed I will never play retail again
2 button rotation, think igonna try this game out
1:46:30 helmet on and then off, rofl
One moment
Man McConnell crying about loot is not a good look, those people get gkicked and shunned when they aren't propped up by a streamer.
tank him at the door area when target a person you los killed the dude a 100000 times.. Has Gold gotten worse?
McConnel deserves an Oscar.
He's extremely convincing at pretending to be an obnoxious, whiny man-child.
McConnell has cried about not raiding with asmon for literally 12 years straight but yet keeps playing with him. He's a baby and is entitled because he is literally the only person that asmon actually lets talk on stream and be apart of it.
mcdonald doesn't believe in random number generators … what a surprise!
McConnell toxic as hell, damn 😅
who dares disturb my dust to dust!