So you want to play a DEMON HUNTER in WoW Shadowlands?

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Do you have any idea what I have SACRIFICED to make this video? If your DH has anything resembling “Illidan” in his/her name, you are henceforth commanded to watch this video as a matter of urgency.

Hope you enjoy, much love all 😉


21 thoughts on “So you want to play a DEMON HUNTER in WoW Shadowlands?”

  1. Funnily enough, I started playing demon hunter exactly 6 years after starting elementary school. I started WoW at 12 and have always loved dh, especially veng dh. Now here I am, at 17, still playing demon hunter, along with my first class of choice: druid.

  2. Not gonna lie, the only reason why I played WOW is cuz of the Demon Hunter. Loved the backstory, motives of my role playing mindset, and the Legion story and war.

    When Legion ended, I seriously lost so much interest and the next expansion looks ok, but I kinda fell out with Blizzard in general.

    Getting ganked non stop in BFA turned me off the most when I just wanted to play for the story. So I quit WOW and just started playing Dark Souls.

  3. loving your work bro so funny. u need a animator though lol i know its a bitch to get into if your not passionate about it. shit takes forever. but i think you would blow up ide hit up nexxiom if i was you.

  4. The metamorphosis form looks good imo, don't see an issue with it. Transforming into another kind of demon like the eredar or fel-imbued nathrezim doesn't make sense, because those are completely separate races. The old warlock form is nice but it's literally just Illidan with some purple paint smeared all over his face.

    The rotation is painfully simple and that's why I stopped playing dh in BFA when I actually cared about doing the best dps output and trying to optimize the living shit out of my rotation, but there's nothing to optimize, there just isn't any depth to it and as long as you keep spamming your 3 melee abilities whenever they're not on CD and align your immolation aura with metamorphosis you're already parsing like a pro.

    But playing dh is like a drug, the rotation is so quick and you always have a button to press so a lot of other classes suddenly seem slow and boring since your attention span dropped by like 50% so you always need something to do. Thankfully I took the methadone route and am now maining a fury warrior so now I can still spam buttons but in a more meaningful way. There's nothing more satisfying than spamming execute on sub-20% hp bosses and staying permanently enraged like some methhead on his 72 hour psychotic binge trip. I think that's the exact class fantasy blizzard intended for the spec honestly so good job ion.

  5. As a demon hunter player I’d like to apologize for what you had to put up with, we will be adding additional locks to their cages, we seriously don’t know how they keep getting out.


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