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It took many drinks to produce this video, but it has been produced. We cover the new runes, new talents and new abilities for all classes. Let me know what kind of videos you want to see for phase 2.
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0:00 Disappointing Intro
1:20 Hunter
8:01 Rogue
11:46 Shaman
16:15 Warrior
19:18 Druid
23:14 Priest
27:23 Paladin
31:56 Warlock
34:57 Mage
Bigfeltonboi presents !
Why no time stamps ?
Read decoy totem…it says it casts at the feet of the target…I think it may be a targetable totem with the idea that you can give it to party members…kinda neat
First time stumbling onto this guy his voice sounds like a late night coast to coast radio host.
Mages also get mana gems for new abilities, rank 1 and 2 infact!
Great video Bob, keep it up!
1:20 Hunter
8:01 Rogue
11:46 Shaman
16:15 Warrior
19:18 Druid
23:14 Priest
27:23 Paladin
31:56 Warlock
34:57 Mage
Do you still wanna go BM even if you play melee hunter? Feels like since how strong pets will be (even with zillion nerfs) it will still be the the strongest spec.
Is this a madseason inspired thumbnail lol
Nice job I reckon. Polished script, slick delivery, no pronunciation nightmares. Reminds me of madseason with a hint of Johnny depp. Good stuff and good luck.
it's so funny to me that so many classic players don't know about melee wings! look it up, that is one of the versions of healer paladin in later xpacks that slapppps for arena. it's high risk high reward but does a lot of dam and has a big kit for a good healer and dps.
Why is this solely focused on pve? Like who cares if you deal a couple of dps more or less than another class in a dungeon that will be on farm status in a couple of weeks?
What is way more important honestly is pvp viability, as open world pvp is a core part of SoD, especially in P2. Sadly this part was completely left out and the picture painted for some classes like warlock would look very different… they are in a bad spot at 40 and are completely neglected…
30 percent Hunter Solo Rune confirmed in the game — I'm gonna try and force that build at 40 xD
now we know that we will be able to use bleeds
I never thought i would be this excited about melee hunter!
I feel like the dual wield rune really just evens out the raptor strike difference between dual wield vs a slow 2-Hander. I feel like it would be better to go with melee specialist using a 2-hander and then use invigorate on the boots to keep your mana up? Or am I missing something?
That mark Felton intro is fire
One small note for shaman they have changed stormstrike to a 6s cd and its a perma 20% nature damage buff
If I had to pick a pokemon that best matches you, I’d have to pick Agumon
Just remember that stormstrike is a 6 sec cd on sod.
The only big bobbed boi in Pokemon is Snorlax obviously
IF lavaburst benefits from the 100% increased crit damage it will be 1hitting people for sure.
I don't see many people discussing that.
I hate that Cobra Strikes and Lion share the same rune slot. Can you imagine BM with Lion, a spammable shot, Cobra Strikes, and Frenzy?
pokemon is dumb.
Do you realize that if I cannot hear you over the World of Warcraft in the background that I'm not gonna watch your video? =(
Ah yes, bob I was going to be sad if you changed the intro theme
now i dont know who to main again
I can't decide on which one of my alts ill tank on next phase.
There is a strong possibility that shadow priest is getting out of the "Meme" this phase…
With shadowfiend and the new shadow form, mana issues will hopefully cease to exist, and with Mind spike being a rune, that means that shadow priests will have a STRONG rune ability to do dmg as well as a dot ( void plague), combined with the 100% mind blast crit that u pick up at lvl 40.
Disc priests will definetly fall off compared to P1… as healer priest u will mostly go holy i suppose.
Resto druid and resto shaman will not really threaten priest in pvp as a healer, but if they keep sacred shield a 500 dmg absorb, holy pala is probably getting the Tr1 spot as healer.
I honestly think you're the best wow content creator right now – perfect amount of comedy/info/personality. Your videos are super in-depth and I wish I found you sooner, I think you are just miles better than every SOD content creator right now. I hope hunter jesus keeps the channel growing. : D
also – with the new changes on live today, Divine Storm and Crusader Strike can prov Wildstrikes, so their DPS should increase significantly
Not sure if you knew it or not but shatter builds aren’t limited to frost- it’s 50% crit for all spell types
Calling new warlock runes dissapointing is kind of an understatement.
how much time wait patch?
Welp.. guess im leveling my hunter! I have 5 lvl 25s and i guess theres a reason my hunter is full best in slot.. I just enjoy playing him!
Dam dude chill with the adds….