SoD P2 Hunter Things to Know and Advice for Phase 2 | World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery

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Tomorrow we go into the Season of Discovery p2. Many of us, as hunters, hmr as some call it. This is advice for all those wonderful people blessed by HJ himself. This will be the last video for a little while, going to be working on a lot of streams over the next few days.
We cover some bm leveling builds marksman leveling builds and melee leveling builds. Important pet abilities to grab while leveling, some important almost prebis gear, all that important phase 2 sheeeeit.

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Any advice for how I can improve the vids? Post it in the comments! I’d love some feedback.

I stream right here on Youtube, so stick around for that. The streams are glorious.

You can also follow me on Instagram for updates when I go live and other random tings, although I kinda forget about it all the time. I’ll post on there again someday.. probably.


0:00 Plaunch Intro
0:29 Leveling Builds
2:44 Alternative Leveling Builds
5:00 Pets and Abilities
7:15 Gear to Watch For
9:31 Plaunch Outro


31 thoughts on “SoD P2 Hunter Things to Know and Advice for Phase 2 | World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery”

  1. Love these videos. Praise Hunter Jesus! Haha. One thing I’d love to see more of for Melee hunter is acknowledgment of strength gear. Obviously agi is still priority, but I’ve struggled to find guides/info/videos that factor in items that include str. Some items add more attack power overall and are arguably better, but people rarely talk about it.

  2. I decided to reroll druid because the new hunter runes look really really boring.. only Trap launcher is fantastic, rest is really meh, while most of the Boomie runes are fantastic

  3. As a new player, if my main target – open world farm (higher-lvl mobs\elites), quests, or even tryhard soloing some dungeons (saw that hunter can soloing some dungeons, at least trash) and, maybe, sometimes raiding – BM will be fine for me? (without crazy BiS gear, ofc). And which pet better: Cat – as a default recommended option, or better pick some tanky for highlevel\dungen (like bear or someone anotther)?


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