Player Housing in The World Soul Saga : Who Should WoW Copy To Make It Happen?

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Player housing in World of Warcraft. It’s inevitable. It’s coming. maybe not in 10.2.6 or the even the War Within, but it’ll happen by the end of The World Soul Saga. So how would it work? Which other MMO’s player housing system does WoW need to copy to make sure we get our Grizzly Hills house, Orgrimmar apartment and Silvermoon Mansion?

Co-writer: DiscordianKitty


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21 thoughts on “Player Housing in The World Soul Saga : Who Should WoW Copy To Make It Happen?”

  1. I Really like how the decoration system works in SW:TOR. and how you go about decorating works really well I think. Also a good way to get people to revisit old content would be to make decorations drop from dungeons. You could even make some tied to time walking. Oh, I want pirate ship themed items lets run dead mines a few times for things that look like that dungeon aesthetic.

  2. I really want ESO style housing. That way having a house isn't competitive and you have full customizability. Sure, FFXIV allows you to see houses, but I feel like people would be exceptionally angry if they had to compete to just have a house. Especially since WoW is so much more alt friendly than FFXIV. Can you imagine an rper having to compete for a house on all their alts??

  3. /weeps in Wildstar
    That game was a ton of fun, but boy was it not ready at launch. Also they completely blew it still insisting on massive vanilla size raids without understanding how inaccessible it made the content.

    Still, the housing was incredible! The skate parks, the mazes, the restaurants, all those amazing things that players created entirely from their own tinkering. It was a glorious age.

  4. The most versatile player housing ever was in the game Rift (which was a better version of Everquest 2's system). Player housing instanced areas (dimensions) of the game world and allowed total freedom for players to build what they wanted from housing items. While the dimension system of player housing does have it's flaws (never allow crafting and banking in player housing), players could make art as well as houses. It created a vibrant and lively community. I still log in to Rift to spend time in the dimensions I built because they are so beautiful. The ESO housing you showed seemed second rate in terms of it's creativity. I dug around and found some info for those interested in what dimensions can do. Since Blizz is known for appreciating the best, I'm sure they'll base their player housing on Rift/EQ2's systems.

  5. i love ESO housing but the limit on how much you can place sucks a bit, i have a giant house but the outwide looks grat with people and items and stuff but almost nothing inside cause i ran out of limit.

  6. I think SWTOR has a good player housing model, where you can buy strongholds for you or your guild. Guilds have exclusive access to a Flagship too, that's basically a giant ship that guildies can decorate.

    It has some monetization issues when it comes to decorations, but not as bad as ESO. You can craft decorations or buy the premium ones from the game's auction house using in-game currency (granted, they are super expensive as they cost real life money). Story content, dungeons, world and raid bosses all have a chance to drop decorations and decoration mats too. You can also have your companions, pets and mounts be decorations. There's NPC decorations too, so if you want droid butlers, a mini Jedi Council, a Trooper army or twi'lek dancers you can have them in your own house/base/ship. Strongholds also act as hearthstones! You can teleport to any of your strongholds and exit them to go to their respective planet.

    TLDR; I think SWTOR's player housing system is better than ESO's in most ways.

  7. Still disappointed that the covenant hearthstone toys were just a cosmetic effect hearthstone and not one with its own cool down that teleports you to your covenant sanctum. Having a portal room in your house to take you to key areas like that would be nice.

  8. with the amount of wayshrines in ESO…houses are anything but portals…also the main utility houses in ESO provide are craft stations from all areas so basically rich people from the top trading guilds mainly, especially those that are from chapters and expansions that for some reason some people dont own…more than that its just flavor and sky is the limit.

  9. Who ever is gonna sit there and craft cups and dishes to put around their house would be so special. It’s a house you go their when your bored of min maxing,questing, tmog and mount hunting, trading. Sorry but I def don’t see utility or an advantage for it. Just another thing to consider is all the room from all the different players esp if they buy it then never come back unless theirs taxes and a pay thing to keep or sell it for another player? Def weird to think about don’t think it’ll happen sorry

  10. I don't really understand the hate towards transactions and video games…. These video game companies….. Are companies…… With employees…… Say you have 200 employees…. Each making 3k a month……. How to make money……. Hmmmmm

  11. i want Undead architecture and themed furniture SO BAD. Garrisons were such a tease, my heart dropped when they said orc/human buildings and pre-determined areas only 🙁

  12. Don't want to feed the copium too hard but keep in mind one of the war within expansions is focusing on the elves and conveniently Silvermoon has half their city unoccupied and Night Elves just got a city with a lot of space.


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