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Time to check out the state of Mistweaver Monk in Shadowlands and take a deeper look at the good and the bad, especially for the 9.1 mistweaver monk. Together with Peak of Serenity gods Abelito and Anomoly we analyze and discuss the 9.1 mistweaver changes, covenants, talents, legendaries and try to answer a daunting question: is mistweaver monk good in Shadowlands? As always stick to MarcelianOnline for more spec specific chats and also be sure to check out the boys on the links below:
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Yes!! Finally this is my favorite healing spec
Oh I've been looking forward to this one.
Yeeeees MONKA is truly S. What a great episode!
EDit: It's kinda sad that mistweaver (fistweaving) is literary punching up on the healing meters both in terms of style and against their paladin counterpart.
Thank you for revealing mists about the state of mistweaver monks 🙂
Love the hair of Abelito hahaha . Really nice guy.
imagine playing monk lol
Targetable touch of karma!
These dudes carry the MW communiy on their backs, mad respect for all their work and dedication to the spec
Im digging the background music
Peak is such an amazing resource. S/o to Abe and Anom and ofc you guys for the coverage. We gotta change the community perception, mw is so much better than people think it is.
I always love seeing you guys talk about Mistweavers. Keep up the videos!!!
omg… my spec is being talked about 🙂
Lost me at peak of serenity. Tried helpin those boys during legion…elitest pricks that couldnt take helpful advice. Lol… Meta doesnt actually exist. Just cause a couple ppl cant figure out how to play something properly dont make it bad. Marcellian yall are awesome love yalls work!
From my point who played MW since mop i kindda want old mana tea back it really suits the mistweaver playstyle and make mw have CHI as a resource which Is so weird right now i mean in legion yeah soothing mist had no cool down and you could move while healing which was the best thing for me now MW is like are you a monk ? switch to WW i hate this that is why I play as resto druid #Bring_back_oldmanatea
Also been following these podcasts since the beginning keep it up man
They need discord community to help wow dev with class balancing makes them a lot easier
I love the interviews but the background music makes the sound way too busy
27:10 This. Listen for a few minutes this is the best moment of the show.
But I think the problem is deeper than that:
MW entire kit feels weaker and more fragile than any other healing specs:
– Our mastery is quite bad
– Essence font is just awful to play (who wants to channel a spell for multiple seconds without doing anything else ?)
– Renewing mist is lackluster when compared for instance to Shaman's Riptide
– MW has no insta ST heal ability that does not require a cast (we have to do Soothing Mist + EM + Vivify but that's not ideal)
– Life Cocoon is based on OUR health and versa (if I'm not wrong) so it's way less effective on tanks and has no talent to improve it (Priest have Guardian Angel for example)
– No DMG reduction CD
And the list can go on and on.
I don't want all of this to be implemented, I just want MW to have clearer strenghts and less crippling weaknesses.
Some mechanics are very unique and super enjoyable and have to be kept: like extending the effect time of all our HOTs with RSKick, the cleave healing of Vivify, Thunder focus tea versatility, the super cool designs of all our spells, the celestials and the serpent jade statue, …
but Blizzard need to seriously work on the class and redesign MW (like they recently successfully did for Hpal).
remove essence fonts / bring back chi/ make vivify (2 chi) a chi spender that is instant and procs mastery on every renewing mist hot / make rising sunkick extend renewing mist/ make blackoutkick generate chi/ make reniwing mist generate 1 chi
Just split Mistweaver in 2 different healing specs :
– Mistweaver: You heal from the back with Yu'lon, Serpent Jade Statue + Soothing Mist, Chi Burst, Essence Font, Crackling Jade Lightning…
– Fistweaver: You heal while doing dmg with your Rising Sun Kick, Expel Harm, Jade Wind, Chi-Ji, …
I didn’t play WoW for the first time until 3 months ago and I still knew about the Leroy Jenkins meme
Jab > Jab > Uplift, I feel you Anomoly =( I miss the MoP mistweaver, but I love my monk.