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Music by Epidemic Sound
Music by Montage Rock
World of Warcraft
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I’ve tried multiple times to use Amazon to sub and it isn’t working. Shcks
Sub is so powerful at the moment i love it
I wish bajheera play enhancement shaman
Love your content and stream. Always chill… thats huge. Question. What is your plate addon ? Love how stuns are shown on top of enemy plates. And also big target plate. Thanks /flex
I am once again watching this video as I eat breakfast
I cant decide Bajheera!..Mage, druid or warrior :S I just dont want to be played with if I play a warrior, do you believe in them this expansion?
My fav bg. Man i screwed them up 30-all with 1healer in my back
It’s not even fair at this point.
Your streams have rocked for years man
So looking at the most recent videos posted on the channel. ALL CLASSES are busted in Shadowlands. rofl
So if you pick mage,rogue,ret,or bm,or mm hunter,or shadow priest….you'll be ok
youtube seems broken today, on the subscription tab it shows video is 10:14 duration, but when i open the video its 9:19
More like pocket healers are busted in shadowlands..
What server you on?
yeah easy in bgs with a healer following you only healing u lol
Haha, rogues busted, ret pally insane, ww monk broken…you trying to get every melee class nerfed so your war can do damage again.
no hablo taka taka
Suddenly every class seems to be OP; hahaha come on, its a pre-patch, nothing is real.
Baj play rogue oh boy i can't mess that
Look how good I am in pvp i always fight dps vs dps with a pocket healer haahahahah embarrassing i couldnt imagine playing a game with a fanboy following me everywhere healing me zero skill required
Hey, what's the nameplate UI called?
Whatt's ur addons ?
I'm New player of wow anos rougue , i'm 97 iten level . Do u haver any good tips for PvP ? In bg i don’t feel like I can play well, because if I try to win a fight everybody turns on me, or if I take someone alone, someone comes and saves him.
i like copying the gear you have youre smart at that
i feel i could do more as far as tactics
you rule nice vid😊