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I finally got a new dagger! Between the slightly higher ilvl (254 now) and implementing some of the changes I noticed from my last gameplay review, my damage is starting to look a bit better. I’ve also been running keys with a full group! We’re really starting to gel as a team and have been having a lot of fun together.
Link to my discord where you can chat with me and other gamers:
Livelock (spriest):
Grixin (blood DK):
Let me know if you have any ideas for how I can improve, or any questions and I'll do my best to answer!
Also, check out my discord and hang out with me and other gamers:
Thanks for the tips. Helped a lot 😉
Great video man! I'm playing a rogue sub as wel, but I'm playing a goblin just for the giggles lol
Clean af
These 18s feel ez af
That 18 was pretty auto pilot for me. we def could have gone higher on it. Always awesome to see sub rogue rotation and analysis. Your improvement on the spec and gear has been the most drastic I feel and you can contribute a good amount of that to your videos. Thanks for the shout out as well 🙂
Great work there, you are helping me a lot since I am new to subtlety, I have two questions, first why are you using premed instead of weaponmaster and second are you going to do some raid boss videos as well? Thanx and keep up <3
any pull's that has the new affiix will fire missles to all and brings you out of stealth. it sucks when tanks bring packs over and they fire through walls
Dude I love your videos, are you usually just recording with streamlabs and then doing voiceover after? Big fan of this format
hey mate, loving the videos, im super new to Sub as ive been playing Assassination for ever. I was wondering you you could or if you have done a vid on Why you should hold symbols (ie what the advantage is) and what you use a prior for AOE/single target. 🙂
keep up the amazing work!
Great video guy. You got a subscriber. I'm a warrior main playing sub as a M+ alt. If you ever made a rouge utility video for kets, I would be very interested. Warriors have Biz put them out and it's been a life saver for my main.