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✸Subtlety Rogue PvP✸
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#WoW #Shadowlands #Subtlety #Rogue #Wagz #PvP #Battleground #WorldOfWarcraft
Great vid xoxo
Cracking vid! 🔥🔥
Damn I want to be this good.
30:27 Anyone want to do this with me😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️
What is a rotation you do while waiting on cd for big burst rotation?
Huge nerf , i think sub rogue need a new burst rotation (i think)
Great video ! Will you change covenant ?
Definitely a change in gameplay. I was playing around with Subterfuge and its kind of nice because you can get 100% crit Shadowstrikes and evis off before ever needing to Dance if you have MA. If you pop your normal CDs + ER before Dancing after that 3 second opener its still decent burst and sustains a bit longer. I'm wondering if Akaari might work better with that build though.
As I just hit lvl 60, I will just switch to my old main Arms Warrior.
Would you still stay Kyrian? Or is another covenant looking good? Phial is pretty nice still.
Say that in arenas
yeah you really sound like you have no probem with the changes i spent 2 weaks gearing this shit spec now i cant even 100-0 a fking ret pala with no trinket or bubble so they just off heal full hp in 0.5 sec and i cant do fking 0 for 45 sec not to mention any other spec that has any good off heals the burst is so shit any good player doest even have to use defs and since vanish is on such a long cd you can only use it once before they get all the majoy def cds back… fuck rogue
How do you usualy open on ppl? And what classes does it change for
A sub rogue that actually admits their burst was too high prior to the nerfs? I tip my hat to you, good sir. Glad to see you didn't get completely gutted though.
still killing it even after the nerfs hope u feel better tomorrow, lets create some stuff tomorrow i have couple of things in mind that i wanna try
Haha as sad as the nerf is it was needed tbh. I do agree with you about wars though. Atm ret and warr is a broken combo. I played against a few and its so toxic
Love yours videos, just wondering what is that addon name that you use that shows the duration of the stun on the side of the nameplate
for normal people that nerf was way to much, you find it ok beacuse your way better than the average player
Windwalker needs a nerf too
Keep mentioning the pala and warr nerfs pls.. they need to get nerfed hard! I got a 1 cast 19.8k crit judgement on my head yesterday.
Blizzard has always had a hardon for Warriors and Paladins and has always screwed Rogues over time and time again. Does not surprise me but Rogue is the backbone of World of Warcraft and D&D. What they really need to do is get rid of macros and let it be where you actually have to think instead of putting it all to one keystroke.
Oh yeah that nerf just ended the class
Complete nerf