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Sub Rogue PvP. Warsong Gulch Battleground, Shadowlands
✸Subtlety Rogue PvP✸
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sub rogue pvp,Subtlety Rogue,wagz,wow subtlety rogue pvp,subtlety rogue pvp,wow subtlety pvp,subtlety pvp,rogue subtlety,rogue subtlety pvp
How do you stealth so fast. I take soooo long to get out of combat.
I’ve had that problem with the right click too. Ordered a new mouse, but different brand and it’s still happening.
I feel like the turning the camera with mouse thing is a new game bug. i also experienced it.
wooohooo! xo
I love these bg videos. Also your videos seem to have an extremely high resolution in comparison to other videos. Keep up the good work.
Razer mouse have this weird thing where if it gets static buildup it messes up. If you blow hot air in your mouse it makes it go away for like 1 min. I had to g eat a new mouse not from razer.
What's the enemy team add on?
Thanks for that gameplay. I am new to playing pvp and especially in BG i kinda feel lost. I am playing rogue and really don't know what my position is and what I should be doing. Ofc I could run around and try to kill anyone who comes up to me. But that didn't work too good as of right now :(.
When is the best time to use sepsis
Great vid 🔥🔥
I love bg videos, also do you use the blizzard name plates? I like them more than any addon other than the spacing. If the whole team stacks the frames go into orbit and its annoying.
Well play! What is your transmog Gear white it's look good
only if you were alliance we could run BGs together i'm also a pretty geared rogue
nice gameplay. ty, helps me alot to learn to be a bg fokused rogue
My Naga did that as well. Underneath the mechanical component is just filled with grime. Swabbed with alcohol and fixed it up
My naga turns one clicks into two. Not buying another. My left click too. Annoying as HELL.
I miss this game but since I have no time, I'l subb and watch your channel instead 😉
Dude running around 210+ gear killing people below 26k hp calling out ez clap lul. And u do it on top 3 mdps and pretend ur good. Couldn't even kill the holy pal with 25k hp lol
Hey Wagz. Great vids. Was wondering what the outro song is called?
I feel you on the tards in middle. It's like they don't know that they get mad honor for a win…
wagz when he enters a bg: oh im so hyped! this is a good battleground!
me when I enter a bg: I wish this honor shit would hurry up, I just want my gear
I have that same issue with the last two nagas I've gotten now.
yeah, you can probably expect that same issue to happen with your new naga as well. i've gone through 3 razer trinities for right click issues.
Is it your mission in life to sound like a prick in every video?
Are you an orc rogue i couldnt tell lmao