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After many years of World of Warcraft players complaining about Multi-boxing, Blizzard finally dropped the HAMMER weeks before the launch of WoW Shadowlands. Shadowlands also has 3 new Warcraft Developers and Warcraft Shadowlands Blizzconline is going Free-to-watch
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Time Stamps:
0:00 – Intro
1:30 – BlizzConline
2:42 – Blizzard’s Change in Lead Designers.
5:23 – Multi-Boxing Now BANNED??
9:36 – Round Up
This is GOOD..GOOD..GOOD! If I could like 100000 x I would. It was about time THEY DID THIS. WOOO!
i really like the intro
you can multi box with just Microsoft note pad
This is definitely good for long-term health of the game. I myself am not multiboxing and definitely won't be affected by this… Anyway, on the other hand, I feel a bit sorry for all those multiboxers who had invested so much time and money into all those accounts and on the top of that the money necessary to maintain them since this practice has been allowed from basically the day one…
I don't multi/box, so for me the change is very good. Well done Blizz.
I am a multiboxers, I have 5 accounts.
I used multiboxing with Autohotkey to get to m+ 10 by myself, in instanced dungeons, where I didn't bother anyone. M+ multiboxing was my passion in wow.
I also used 5 accounts without any key broadcasting to level in dungeons 4 low lvl characters by simply follow 1 max lvl char.
For those who are against multiboxing without understanding it, you don't realize that multiboxing farming will now really start. I don't need key broadcasting to do herbalism with 5 druids. I just need the command "Follow".
At least
The video looks good mate
That into was long and ugh… good vid though acc <3
It's good that blizzard is finally doing something against multiboxing.
I used to do herbalism and mining every since I started playing this game to chill out and watch movies , streams etc . In bfa it felt so bad because of multioboxers so I had to start multiboxing to make roughly the same gold that I made back then with 1 character. FUCK MULTIBOXING , I'M FUCKING GLAD IT'S GONE!!
I am super happy about this. I HATE multiboxers and botters – freaking lazy ass cheaters. It is so annoying, for example, to be questing in Suramar city and some shit bag named Owl1 and his 4 friends Owl2-5 are throwing their stupid arms in the air and grabbing all mobs. And, wtf…there is NO WAY they should be able to grab mobs from that far away. I have a druid. No freaking way. Also, the mobs respawn insanely fast. I report those a-holes. Blizz can investigate and ban if deemed that is the correct thing to do. Personally, I just want those people to live a very, very miserable life and then rot in hell. I have no patience/sympathy for cheaters and thieves.
Great move from blizzard against multi boxers and thank god it will normalise the economy as it for bit because the overall quantity of farm good will normalise overtime ♥️✌️ thank u Blizzard ♥️
Love the intro.
So big misconception that multiboxers are feeding blizz money, they aren’t. With all the money they make they just buy tokens. Blizz finally took note and that’s why they burned them.
The intro feels so back to the 90's for me and I love it.
Your new intro is fucking lit my dude! 🔥👌
Odin be praised!
they don't say for nothing, don't fall into your own dug grave and that's what the blizzard did and now they have to get out it again
I don't like it. I find multiboxing entertaining.
This is a lot better for some than you think.
The server I play on (which i haven't been on much most of BFA) has/had the largest multiboxer for a very long time. Guy has about 80 accounts and would normally field a minimum of 40-50 characters and at the worst times he'd fill 2 entire raids. During some weaker times for Alliance he would solo raid Stormwind during a content drought.
I wasn't on much of Legion due to various reasons but I do remember that WoD upset him quite a bit as in stormshield we had some interesting tools to deal with him. One of which I managed to send his leading character to the alliance prison with the paladin book, other times people using the lightning rod or so. This will definitely be a kill blow if he still exists. That said I do know my server got killed a good bit by the dumb pvp flag system they made end of Legion.
I love the intro so damn much… i prayed to die already…. (I’ve started to hate any 2-30 sec intros from any channel) beside that, i do enjoy following your vids
Guys, please read slowly post from Blizzard one more time. Multiboxing is allowed and will be allowed after changes in game policy. Blizzard AGAIN shooting to Elephant using slingshot (So typical for them. No wonder). Only broadcasting software's will be the case of further actions like spots bans, wave bans e.t.c. As far as i know from one confirmed source we WILL see multiboxers anyway….The most sad thing is that Blizzard actions are not affecting bots i.e. Multiboxers piece of the game market will return to professional bots. We'll still get tons of herbs, metals etc in AH after SL starts with high prices … as usually – at the beginning of every new wow expansion. And btw Blizzard don't care at all to loose tons of subscriptions/money from Mutiboxers. May be it's only beginning. Hope they will implement some real anti-boting stuff in-game soon.
i like the new angle acco lookin good bro
Trying to do a quest when someone is multibox farming the mobs is almost impossible sometimes. I am glad they have finally taken measures to stop it.
Bye Multiboxers! You've always given me a pain when I have to farm my mats to level my professions!