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In Shadowlands Patch 9.0.5 we saw significant changes to a few of the Blood Death Knight’s legendary powers. In this video, I’ll be covering what these changes are, what legendaries are now viable and optimal, and which legendary I would recommend for raid and mythic + dungeons as a Blood DK.
0:19 Changes to Legendary Powers
2:28 Viable Legendaries
3:13 Optimal Legendaries
5:58 Comparison of Superstrain and Crimson Rune Weapon
10:31 Which Legendary to Choose
Jakinto’s Blood Death Knight Coaching:
My WeakAuras, ElvUI profile, and M+ dungeon routes can be found here:
Outro music: Ethereal by ALBON
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Been waiting to hear your thoughts on the recent changes. Great Blood DK videos!
Just picked up Blood from playing Unholy since making my character. Crimson Rune Weapon feels so good alongside Rune Tap at the start of my pulls. I'm loving your videos and I've learned alot from them. Thank You!
CRW fits really nicely when paired with Tombstone. More DRW uptime, a significant shield every minute, and improved rune management. Raided with it this week and I'm impressed.
I think the way you're supposed to do it is you decide what to play and then you look up guides, but I stumbled across your guides they were so chill to watch I decided to level and gear a DK.
Which is a longwinded way of saying "Great vids keep up the good work".
Great video! I was wondering how the changes are measuring up, but at this point I just don't think I can give up Superstrain, I've just gotten so used it! Keep up the good work!
It feels like Superstrain gives good buff in AOE threat in M+. Would CRW be able to compensate that? Maybe there are other ways of getting decent AOE threat on pull when Swarming Mists on CD and no Misdirection from hunter?
This is great! I was just going to post on one of your old videos asking for a comparison of these! Crimson rune has me working on a BDK on the side, it looks like a fun build.
Took a short break from WoW for work, glad I can come back to some quality content
I like The changes for Pvp content but the Superstain damage is huge at the end of M+
i love ur vids u have helped me so much. keep it up!!
Hello again 🙂
Quick question regarding itemization for trinkets for M+, if you could give me your opinion.
I just got Inscrutable Quantum Device (207) but my issue is that i have too much Haste (base haste 17%) so i get more haste ( up to 29%) but i also got that trinket that i find just incredible for us Flame of Battle (187) which give me 480 versa (+12%) versa for 12sec macro-ed with Vampiric Blood so i go from 15.5% to 27.5% versatility.
Knowing that Inscrutable Quantum Device is 3min CD and Flame of Battle (187) 1min30 CD , it feels to me that the Strength lost from the item level is negligible, what do you think ? Which one would you pick ?
Thank you for great video, very good explanations especially optimal vs viable. I think a lot of people including other youtubers confuse these two. Keep up great work!
I feel like they should replace the 5.0% leech from Vampiric Aura to a attack power buff. Idk maybe a 10.0% attack power increase throughout its duration?
Great video, thanks for the information!
Thanks for the great BDK guides and vids. Super helpful and I'm not sure why, but BDK feels much better in 9.0.5 lol
Thanks for the videos Jakinto! You are a great resource for the DK community!
One of big problems of blood dk his low damage, thats why ppl going for superstrain… Even with superstrain damage his low, imagine without xD… Without superstrain, you lose aggro more often…Not saying that crimson rune weapon his not that good, because it his good, i really bealive that BDKs will start to use it when we be able to equip 2 legendarys… And that's the only way to go, they buff BDK damage, but was not enough i guess… Anyways hope they understand that and push BDK damage a little bit more because that's very important at high keys particularly
I feel like CRW will smooth out the weaknesses of BDK more than SS. When you have DRW for every pack, you dont have that awkward opening moment where you might just get gibbed and also it helps with the snap aggro. So while it might be an overall damage/rp downgrade, it gives you power at times you lack it.
As a blood dk living in the pug world and sutisfied with my 14-15+ keys and not plannint to push more, I m gonna use Crimson RW and i ll never look back. Even If the dps aint enough to time a 15 dungeon i prefer the safety this legendary offers and makes me feel like a tank again and not a marathon runner. And you know what? Fuck fallen crusader too. I ll bring me my hysteria back and let the runic power flow.
Been debating this all day thanks for the video. Gonna make both LOL
superstrain sounds like the way to go for me who's still at the "hit buttons that light up" stage lol
Having more defensives in a mythic+ lets you pull bigger though which in turns shortens the dungeon. Thats my biggest reason for opting to take CRW atm. Letting me pull big, get dancing rune back and pull big again without worrying I might die is just great.
Ive been using the dancing rune wep lego, it seems really strong in a defensive way, idk why the wow community ever started caring about a tanks dps but i mean if you suck at holding aggro I guess youd need superstrain or something to get more dps? idk thats my thoughts
So night fae I should def go the pheromones legendary? I will mainly tank mythics.
Hey! Great video! I'm a starter at tanking, and I'm a necro DK. Do you have any hints/tips for keep the aggro?
I have both Superstrain (rank 3) and CRW (rank 2) leggos, and sometimes i loose the aggro for my friends. I use death's caress, blood boils, and sometimes dark command, but even so…
Hi, im a big fan of the BDK spec. Low damage sure but taking so much and healing through it is awesome. I think SS is good for weaker things while CRW is good for raiding and sometimes Torghast.
If you use tombstone when it eats the boneshield stacks does that count towards the cooldown?
No one ever mentions the cower proc on Phearomones. I think this is tragically overlooked for M+ content. I've seen my Death and Decay interrupt non-interruptible spells like the spear flurries and bucking kicks in Tirna Scithe, and it causes mobs to stop attacking completely for 3 sec which equates to even more mitigation. Does this effect not show up in sims?
Outstanding video, thank you
Make new video about 9.1
Thanks mate! Helped me for 9.1
I can't seem to find this answer anywhere, but does DRW also pop superstrain, for a total of 6 dot's on all targets during DRW's uptime?