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Sylvanas Destroys the Helm of Domination, opening the veil to the Shadowlands. Bolvar is rescued by Nazgrim & Whitemane. Jaina, Thrall, Anduin, Tyrande, Taelia, Baine look up into the ominously dark sky as chains come to yeet everyone up to the Jailor’s Hot Tub party. Exclusive invites only.
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Of course I added the music in the background silly. I thought this was like a given by now!
Varian Wrynn’s Story & Sacrifice [Full Warcraft Lore]
Illidan Stormrage’s Story & Sacrifice [Full Warcraft Lore]
All WoW Raid Ending Cinematics [TBC – BFA]
Arthas vs. Illidan – Final Battle
#wow #cinematics #Shadowlands
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-Ricky Zulpel
-Thanasi Halim
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Soundtracks/Images Used: (Note- All Credit for music and/or images used belongs and goes to the artists/creators of this amazing music/art. No Copyright Infringement is intended).
A mix of Battle for Azeroth OST – from World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3 OST.
World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3: Reforged belongs to the mighty Blizzard Entertainment.
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©2004 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Genn Greymane; Tyrande Whisperwind Worgens; Kaldorei: We've got a joke for you!
Post-Sylvanas!Horde: Do Tell.
GG; TW; Worgens; Kaldorei: Two Words = Morally. Gray.
Horde: We Don't Get It.
GG; TW; Worgens; Kaldorei: You Wouldn't Get It.
High budget cinematics, top quality lore… cheapest cutscenes with main characters acting it out with emotes… lmao
Come here after carbot animations
where the fuck is this ?
how do u unlock this quest chain
Arthas should've just killed off Sylvanas when he had the chance.
This is getting more and more ridiculous. Are the current WoW story writers on drugs, or just this bad?
My Warchief STILL getting shit done.
Every WoW expansion starts with: WE ARE GONNA DIE!
I thought Arthus was the Lynch king?
thanks for the spoilers in the title mate…
Oh I cannot wait to see Taelia and Bolvar see each other! I just love Parent+child reunions! Like when Varian and Anduin reunited in Mop.
Good thing I stayed at WotLK, the plot is still allright for me 😅🤣
Anduin just slowly lifts his sword up to point at the angels.
Maybe his body is too small for his armor. Are you sure he was supposed to be a paladin? O.o Or just a priest with a sword?
Poor guy. They really love making anduin look like a chump.
So what kind of secret thing do you have to do to get this sequence? There isn't anything in the prepatch like this that I'm aware of, and I'm letting my game time expire because of lack of content.
They took Jains too?!
Jaina looks like Greta Thunberg lel
That rendition of "invincible" though
The writing is so bad and cringy…..
Ca serait bien qu'ils change de moteur graphique ça commence à être vraiment moche.
Le mec qui n'y connais rien et qui achète le jeu et un abonnement après avoir vu une vidéo doit tomber de sa chaise une fois arrivé en jeu.
Where the hell is Malfurion? All knowing Vellen?
Capturing jaina and thrall but no cutscene?!
LAZY blizzard
This looks as awful as BFA story wise.
Complete garbage. What a joke. It's just Sylvanascraft now. Can we PLEASE replace J Allen Brack now? He has been driving blizz off a cliff for years.
I dont understand what Sylvanas wants with Anduuin, Thrall, Baine, Jaina and whoever else was abducted – If she could snatch them so easily it reasons she could have just killed them right there instead – So she needs them alive?
Does anyone know the name of the song at 3:09 ? It seems to be a different version of the Invincible song in Wotlk
Anyone notice blizzard is killing off all the male characters?
Are you all ready for a feminist wow?
The last trash expansion storyline leads to a new trash expansion storyline.
cj so cool