Sylvanas Cinematic Shadowlands

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Sylvanas Cinematic Shadowlands


21 thoughts on “Sylvanas Cinematic Shadowlands”

  1. Im puzzled. Lady vashj mentioned when you go to the shadowlands she was given an option to have her highborne form but chose naga. Did sylvanas chose her undeath state as well compare the her elven form?

  2. A…Are they serious? Are they seriously trying to turn the person who slaughtered her kinsmen into…breaking a cycle? Really? AGAIN WITH THIS?! I can't tell if like Anduin my rage broke, but i can say this, no…no bullshit she's "a good person" bullshit. Anduin, anyone really, kill her. Kill her proper.

  3. It’s kind of odd that this story is real about determinism and free will which is kind of odd since this course of action sylanase is taking debunks the determinism as it’s her free will to do bad morally bad things.

    It’s just weird. Hope there’s a better motive from the jailer, like illidans pursuit
    to be the bad guy and betray the legion to save his world, Garrosh being a mad tyrant making the horde as strong as he imagined it to be, and Arthas wanting complete domination of the world; and with shadowlands something possible greater planed hopefully

    hopefully this is expanded on, hope to see more intell on the ancient ones.

  4. I hate it how the personalities of the characters is completely different from the CGI "movielike" cutscenes/trailers. Sylvanas especially. Just make a fucking fullsize movie out of those and leave this ingame cutscenes seperate, because this ones are just cringe.

  5. So she claims to seek to destroy a system she deems unfair. But to be honest nothing is truly ever fair. And beyond that – most of Shadowlands problems began when Jailer messed up the system. Causing Anima Draught, conspiring with Denathrius to make him rig Revendreth, messing up the process of soul selection so Bastion got whole lot of souls that has no place there and cant become Kyrians, using Kel’Thuzad to mess up Maldraxxus and so on.
    Plus she herself uses the methods she claims are wrong – enslavement, feeding souls to the Maw, genocide, deciding others fate for them and so on.
    In the end it seems like she just dosent like the coolaid she was given… so she wants to feed EVERYBODY her own coolaid because this is what she “deserves”.

  6. This cutscene acts like they revealed something about the character of Sylvanas and her motivation, but I literally have no idea what she's saying. She's just babbling and ranting on and on. Everything she says is vague and doesn't make any sense. She is just spouting emo quasi-philosophical lines about the unfairness of life and death and some other bullshit. Anduin isn't much better, but at least he seem to be replying to her coherently and actually adressing her points.


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