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Sylvanas & Jailer Talk About Anduin Cutscene. Freeing Thrall. As we continue to venture Torghast, we overhear Sylvanas and the Jailer on trying to convert Anduin to their cause willingly or by force. Later we free Thrall and bring him to Oribos. Then Bolvar is forced to do the unthinkable. Move.
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Of course I added the music in the background silly. I thought this was like a given by now!
Varian Wrynn’s Story & Sacrifice [Full Warcraft Lore]
Illidan Stormrage’s Story & Sacrifice [Full Warcraft Lore]
All WoW Raid Ending Cinematics [TBC – BFA]
Arthas vs. Illidan – Final Battle
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-Ricky Zulpel
-Thanasi Halim
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A mix of Battle for Azeroth OST – from World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3 OST.
World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3: Reforged belongs to the mighty Blizzard Entertainment.
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What was Thrall thinking when he let Sylvanas join the Horde?
Well… The Champion sucks at hiding, and The Jailer, for one who sees everything in his realm sucks at looking.
Sylvanas's redemption? Like srly… Bruh
Arthas was corrupted, he was not him. What's Sylvanas's excuse to kill millions? She did that willingly
Tbh I feel like this special prisoner could be referred to one of two people. Anduin likely for the plot yet, somehow I have a feeling it could be the former Lich King Arthas. Since he could be somewhere in the shadowlands in the Maw.
Sylvanas said that we were nothing, and since nothing escapes the Maw, we escaped.
And there something I didn't understand, when they say that each mortal have to chose a covenant they mean only the players or us and everyone else?
1:51 For those with dirty minds, dialogue can cause a laugh.
Jaina asks about Anduin and not about Arthas…
00:33 I wonder how the Jailer climbed those tiny tiny stairs for him. I bet he slipped and the cinematic was cut in time
Bruh the story is so trash.
I'm so glad chris metzens still coming in and voicing thrall and other characters, don't think anyone else could.
But feels like more emotion could have been put in here, considering thrall was being tormented in torgast the longest. Makes it sound less of an issue with "let's get out of here, this place sucks".
Did Thrall have met his mommy yet?
Hey what happened to Tyrande ?
At work is this new one or just a rerun clip?
So… theory time: What if this "valuable prisoner" is not Anduin, but rather Arthas?
Maybe they can use Arthas' connection to the Maw the same way the Jailer is trying to use Anduin's connection to the light. Maybe he has become somewhat connected to the realm for using the helmet of domination for such a long time (remember that Volvar used half of the helmet to peer inside the maw) and can have constant knowledge (or even control) of what it's happening inside. And I remember some devs from wow talking about the relevance of Arthas in this new expansion… so, that's that.
Therefore, in the future, they will probably speak about this prisoner being human and a king, but it will lastly be the good old prince, no longer under the control of the Jailer… However, maybe its presence is amiss even to Sylvanas herself.
But hey, that's just a theory.
Baine: Bolvar, help us to seek for the child that you helped to raise
Bolvar: Lol nope
How do you get to this stuff? Just grinding Torghast?
Interesting how once again Bolver is to be there for Anduin like back then when he was still alive as Baine mentioned..
You can clearly see the burning… Whatever those are on his shoulder
So ready for thrall to meet Draka.
Can we plz see the draka thrall reunion already that’s what I’m waiting
So long waiting to see Jaina in action again
so everyones just chilling after one run of Choreghast and we still need to do this shitdhow everyweek for hours. yikes.
So the datamined Maw raid will have Anduin as the final boss or semi final boss
0:19 sneak 100
I don't know what the hell Thrall is still doing in Wow, and apparently Blizzard doesn't know either.
PLEASE tell me we are closer to the reunion between Thrall and Draka!!!!!!!
Thrall: The things Ive seen in the Maw. The torment!
Sylvannas: Bruh.
Still think he is after bolvar and not anduin
So if were all of the sudden going on the excise for arthas being mind controlled doesn't that take away from being the badass that he was. Not to mention that exchange his father had with him im the fall of the lich king trailer?
Jailer needs a pedicure.
Anduin should mean that priest can wear plate armour.
Is Bolvar always responsible for the protection of Anduin. Get a life Anduin.
Anduin is not weapon they speak about.. WE ARE.