SYLVANAS VS TYRANDE CINEMATIC REACTION – Patch 9.1 | World of Warcraft Chains of Domination

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My reaction to the Sylvanas vs Tyrande fight cinematic for World of Warcraft Shadowlands Chains of Domination Patch 9.1!

This cinematic was incredible. Blizzard did such a good job with it!! I love seeing crazy fight scenes like this especially with Sylvanas! We’ve been waiting a long time for the show down between Sylvanas and Tyrande since the burning of Teldrassil. I’m very interested to see what happens next with Tyrande and Elune, and the night warriors powers.. something big is coming I think. And Sylvanas is definitely pissed about Nathanos. I would love to hear your thoughts down below!! Did you enjoy this cinematic? What do you think will happen next?


30 thoughts on “SYLVANAS VS TYRANDE CINEMATIC REACTION – Patch 9.1 | World of Warcraft Chains of Domination”

  1. At 4:02 i personally think Elune withdrew her powers because Tyrande told her in Darnassian "My Life for Hers" which to me theres an understandble reason why Elune would reject that, cuz Tyrande is kinda (100%) Elune's favorite, and everything that dies still goes straight to the Maw. 10/10 though, this is my new favorite in game cinematic in WoW.

  2. Thank you, I stopped playing the game a few years ago but I still watch all the cinematics and when it comes to Sylvanas cinematic reaction, you're the best.

  3. Nice reaction. Sylvanas spared Tyrande in the end she could have killed her once weakened as with Bolvar and her objective was only to create a diversion from the start of the fight. Redemption confirmed at the end of the raid. What I want for the next expansion is a 3rd faction with Sylvanas as leader all the rest is going to disappoint me. On the other hand, I have more the impression that she will become more of a neutral character as for Illidan

  4. Tyrande deffinetly gave that evil villain vibe with the line "You didn't know?".
    It's a trope at this point for the antagonists to use that line to make the protagonists question their motives … and it definetly worked since you can see the confusion in Sylvanas' face.
    This is obviously another reason to make Sylvanas go against the Jailer at some point … redemption arc maybe?

    Elune's motives in my opinion can go one of 2 ways.
    She didn't aprove Tyrande's sacrificing her life and withdrew her power.
    Or she wanted to teach Tyrande a lesson by leading her so close to victory then taking it away … Why? Because she became very self destructive and self centered, demanding (not asking) Elune for power, ignoring the plan made by the leader and ran alone in the portal putting others in danger being a few of her actions that can be considered Heresy from a priestess.

  5. The three running theories on why Elune withdrew her power are:
    a.) Elune herself faltered, was cut off, or could only do so much
    b.) Elune wants Sylvanas alive for her own 5-D chess game
    c.) Elune wasn't willing to let Tyrande die, be it for selfish reasons or out of love for her devoted priestess

  6. Yay finally LadySurvival reaction to this 🙂 Been waiting a day to share my thoughts with you about this cinematic. Here it is : At first it looks like Elune is protecting Sylvanas. Here are the two big questions 1.Why Elune allowed the burning of Teldrassil ? 2.Why Elune spared Sylvanas /aka denied Tyrande the killing blow ? I think Elune is not on the side of Sylvanas, but she is not on the side of Tyrande either. Elune is playing her own game. Also about the choke, why Sylvanas allowed Tyrande to do that ? Sylvanas could literally shadow away like she did when Ysera tries to attack her. I think Sylvanas wanted to see the despair on Tyrande's face as Elune denying/betraying her.

  7. it's funny every time she says a creepy quote like NOTHING LASTS with a crazy soul stealing stare gives me chills for some reason. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Good reaction video ⚔️

  8. That depressing “nothing lasts” after the battle and finding out Nathanos is dead :[ You can just hear it. Somethings not sitting right, it’s like she’s just repeating the jailer, like when she told anduin “I’ve not come this far to falter now”. I wonder if there was some secret conversation in BFA when she got her powers and killed saurfang. Why is she repeating the jailer!? I like the story so far idk what everyone is complaining about.


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