Tali Has A BIG Problem… Season 1 Begins Shadowlands FOR REAL: Castle Nathria, Mythic+ | Wow News

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World of Warcraft Shadowlands really begins with the start of Season 1, the Castle Nathria raid and rated PvP… all adding rewards to the new Great Vault. We have new Covenant Campaign story quests every week giving us in-depth new narrative and lore, but Taliesin has a big problem he needs to discuss. Join us for the Weekly reset, Taliesin & Evitel’s Wondrous Wisdomshow.

00:00 No Spoilers Here!
09:54 Bluebot Spoiler (Covenant Campaign Recap)
12:02 No More Spoilers!

+++ Wowhead Articles +++

Castle Nathria Raid Strategy Guides For All Bosses:

Updated Mythic+ Loot Table for First Week of Shadowlands Season 1 – Mythic 10s Give 203 End-of-Dungeon Gear:

Necrolord and Venthyr Story Campaign Finale Cutscene (Spoilers):

Castle Nathria Loot and Transmog Guides:

+++ Taliesin and Evitel +++

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46 thoughts on “Tali Has A BIG Problem… Season 1 Begins Shadowlands FOR REAL: Castle Nathria, Mythic+ | Wow News”

  1. The calling's have given me a lot of 184 ilvl conduits.

    Almost always for blood, which is my least played spec so I'll probably never really use them…

    but still, conduits from callings is nice I suppose.

  2. personally i'm not going to be bored with Shadowlands, because i'm going to take my time with it, i am right now going for the "Insane" Title from Vanilla and doing reps for Vanilla and Cata, while only doing Callings and WQs when the good ones show up.

  3. I'm still irritated that Blizzard gives Alliance a 30% buff for war mode on the premise that they need it, that somehow their faction isn't represented fairly in world PVP, when my experience whenever I turn on war mode is a continual gankfest, usually 12 on 1. World PVP in this kind of environment isn't fun. I have no reasonable chance of success. I leave war mode off now. The hassle simply isn't worth the pathetic 10% bonus. I still enjoy PVP, but I'll stick to bgs where the people I normally want to kill the most are my idiot teammates.

  4. I want to bring to attention that oribos has 2 or 3 more realm portal spots, and I don't think that is random, I say we're going to get 2-3 more realms to explore, possibly jailer themed after he definetly succeeds

  5. I hope blizz buffs the destro lock Venthyr ability im sick if being looked at like a noob who didnt know it was the worst one by far but the esthetic was too good and the title "Count" is amazing but I would like to have at least an ability that isn't a dps loss

  6. Uhm it's YOUR necropolis floating on the map. You do know that, right? Pretty sure even the name of the campaign progression steps for Maldraxxis players tell you this. So it's not even much of a spoiler. You know this based on what's already in the game.

  7. lol complaining about not getting raids released fast enough, there will not even be any new pvp maps released ever and the pvp season is still running way behind the raids so pvpers will be out geared in there own content by raiders on cd. i give this patch two months before pvp players drop and around four before the floor falls out on the pop.

  8. Had a baby in April after completing heroic N'Zoth. Our raid starts just after bed time and he still has trouble with the first few transitions, so I feel your anxiety.

  9. Everyone seems to think that the Runecarver is the Primus (which he probably is) but have you guys considered that maybe the Runecarver is one of the First Ones and taught the Primus.

  10. I've completed all layers of torgahst since shadowlands dropped and I still do not have enough ash to craft my legendary, am I purely missing something or do some legendarys cost less to make than others?

  11. Am I really alone in hating Mythics? I am a parent and don't have that much free time anymore.
    So I really hate it when blizz forces me to do something like PVP or Mythic. I don't have the gear for that. And i don't have time to farm the gear needed.

  12. I have received all of my 184 conduits from Callings boxes. I eagerly anticipate what new loot I'll get next. Also, 177 (?) boots as well were a reward. So, IMO, the Callings boxes are the best thing in the game right now.

  13. Thanks for ruining the Kyrian story for me hyperverbal Blizzard shill boy! And you couldn't just NOT rub salt in the Teldrassil wound could you schil boi? And No… It was a shit show, obviously! Such a Shyll. How many spellings of Sjil is that?


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