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This is my first time timing a +10 Mythic Dungeon and fighting the Prideful Affix. Halls of Atonement is where my BIS Legendary came from, so I’m extremely familiar with all the ways to wipe here.
I researched routes for HOA +10 but didn’t really like them for PUGs. So I spent an hour and designed this route that works without any shroud or death/rez skips etc.
I’ve done the route in a +11 and it works beautifully, but we didn’t time the 11. This run the Hunter body pulls a single pack of Grounds Keepers and it throws count off and Prideful spawns in the wrong spot.
We luckily make up time with a normal skip and time the key. Hunter and Mage bring BIG DPS. Warrior / Key owner dies a lot (lol) but thanks for accepting me as the PUG tank.
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What is the marking addon that you're using @7:57 ?
What are all the addons are u using?
Can i ask u why u playing with blessing hammer ? 😀 or u using it on phy dungeons ?
nice vid gonna use on my tank route. love arms war rotation ezy but no self healing and you cant make alot of mistakes because your pretty much dead and at the mercy of the healer.
I don't know if your deleting my comments but I've been asking the last few videos, where did you get your UI you should export it for fellow Prot Pallys to use, cause it's a good setup for sure.
Its always the hunters!
As a fellow Prot pally, I love watching your videos and hearing your chill commentary!
I alt a Prot pala and i love your vids.
I like that you put your blessings and hand over your party frames. Strealing that.
could you share this route please?
Do u think yo mit+ is better 3rd talent un lvl10 than 1st one
This really helped me playing my prot Paladin thanks!
Hey! Thanks for the video but i want to ask different thing.How can i find your elvui profile can u share it please